Is it normal to be scared of the dark at age 19?

I'm terrified of the dark. I can't handle being in the dark alone, and even when I'm with someone I have to hold their hand or something.

Since I can't see anything, I assume that there are bad things and evil people all around me. I feel like I'm way too old for this.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Shroot

    Sorry to hear this, It must be horrible being afraid every single night.

    Just try and rationalise yourself that nothing is going to hurt you, If you can't do that a suggest a psychiatrist

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  • thegypsysailor

    The dark is your friend. You can move about unseen in the dark and the evil things cannot find you.
    In the light, you are there for all to see, open and exposed. You cannot hide from your enemies or the evils of the world, in the light.
    So love and revere the dark and fear it no more, for it hides you from that which even your mind imagines.

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  • pixie_dust

    I can totally relate to this, actually. I have got the creeps from time to time bcuz I just get a weird feeling at night usually. I've learned it's not just my imagination, there is actually a scientific explanation that Einstein would agree with. It's related the the "end of the Mayan calendar" as we're familiar with. December 2012 is a galactic alignment that was forseen by many other cultures independent of one another including ancient Egypt, China, and multiple others. During this time, the 3rd and 4th dimensions are a lot closer than they used to be. IF you happened to read on my other post I mentioned an experience I had where I called out to something I sensed was there and was answered by a big whoosh of cold air. I figured out over time it's related to that. (Long story but I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about) So, my guess is that what you're experiencing is related to this. If it feels evil you can try to burn sage to get rid of it, and don't forget to have the windows open so it leaves. Also orgonite is very effective at protection against evil entities.

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    • cidisguise

      Where'd you get that word salad? It looks delicious. What kind of dressing is that?

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  • Holzman_67

    My mind plays tricks on me in the dark

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  • FutureSeadog

    Sounds like me. I always assumed that I would no longer be afraid of the dark when I grew up, but it somehow never actually happened. It's not exactly fear though, and more just a slight uneasiness.

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  • LadyOfDecay♡

    "Evil" things? There's no such thing as evil, so I would say no, its not normal that you still believe in fictional things at the age of 19. Try think rationally for a second here, if evil exsisted, do you think it would wait until it was dark to terrorise people? Ofcourse not.

    Nothing ominous lurks in the depths of your bedroom, I can assure you. What you should be afraid of, is burglers. Those are very realy and those do wait until night time to break in and steal from you. So instead of being afraid of the dark, be security concious. If you have sufficient security, you might feel more secure about the dark.

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  • CountessDouche

    I think a fear of the dark is quintessentially a fear of the're scared because you don't know what's there. I get scared of the dark myself from time to time, but as with anything that interferes with your life and happiness, I'll give my go to advice. See a counselor- there's no reason to deal with something that makes you unhappy when you can get help instead.

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