Is it normal to be scared of the zoo?

I be scared of caged animals. They thinking " shit I wanna get out and maul you humans" I know if they could, they'd tear our heads off for putting them behind bars! I don't wanna go to no zoo cause it freaks me out.

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42% Normal
Based on 36 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • (s)aint

    Humans that are out in the open are far more dangerous than animals behind bars.

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    • Steve2.0

      We showed em who's boss, didn't we?

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      • (s)aint


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  • durpy.50

    hey send me iin message and well talk about this

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  • januarycurse

    Zoos are barbaric and pathetic excuses for entertainment. It's absolutely sickening to think that people can enjoy seeing animals removed from their natural habitats and confined in small spaces. And often the animals are treated badly, receive poor diets and nutrition, and they suffer depression and loneliness. Sure children love going to zoos but they don't know any better. As adults we should educate children to treat everyone, including animals, with respect.

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    • Steve2.0

      Okay, next time I see a stray cat, I'll doff my hat, kneel down and politely ask it about it's political opinion.

      Animals are put in zoos because humans are the rulers of the planet, it makes me feel bad, but at the same time, powerful.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You don't think the neighbor's dog isn't thinking that if you give him a half a chance, he'll rip your throat out? Or that cute kitty isn't thinking that if it gets the chance it will sit on your chest while you are asleep, and steal your breath? It's not a very pleasant way to die, waking up gasping for breath while that cute kitty is smiling at you as you die. And squirrels? Don't get me started on squirrels.
    Better animals in cages, you'd better believe it!

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    • wistfulmaiden

      The horror!
      I think my cat and dog are plotting to steal my debit card...

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      • thegypsysailor

        Which one has been practicing your signature?

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