Is it normal to be scared of your phone running out of power

So basically if my phone is down to one percent battery, I have to run as fast as possible to the nearest charger. I always have to have it with me or I get really anxious. If it runs out of power, I actually feel terrified, like heavy breathing, sweating and stuff like that. I know it's stupid but does anyone else do it?

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31% Normal
Based on 45 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • reminiscent


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    • seekelp


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  • golden_showers

    here's a trick: take the battery out and warm it up in your hand for a while and that will help.

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  • thegypsysailor

    That's really funny. About 50% of the time we forget to charge the damn thing and when we go to use them; oh well, no big deal. The rest of the time we forget to take the damn thing with us and if we want to call a cab or something, we have to borrow one. I just cannot imagine living as you do. I'm not putting you down or even criticizing, I just cannot imagine worrying about a phone that much, after all it does have voicemail, so eventually we'll get the message.

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