Is it normal to be so pissed at people who don't believe it was suicide?

Is it normal I get so pissed off at these people who can't accept that their friend or loved one killed themself?

They think 'he'd never do that' and then go on to try to finger someone for murder. It's ridiculous! It really makes me mad. People act like their loved ones are perfect angels that would never do anything 'wrong'.

You hear the same thing about people going missing. It's always 'he'd never just leave like that', but most of the time, guess what, he DID just leave like that. It's far more common for people to take off willingly than for any kind of foul play to have occurred.

Voting Results
80% Normal
Based on 71 votes (57 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • DameInDistress

    I can see why it frustrates you. I mean, people in denial taking it out on people is unfair and cruel to innocent people.

    But, when someone's going through that kind of grief, they look for any conclusion, something to kind of reassure them that the suicidal person was happy, and their life wasn't taken by their self.

    It's almost a comfort to a grief-stricken person, and that's the reason they do this.

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    • VioletTrees

      Excellent response.

      It's not the most rational thing to do, but people do irrational things when they're going through something very painful. It's normal to think it's irrational, but I don't understand why you (the OP) are so angry about it.

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    • pieman_69

      nice response

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  • myownopinions

    Read stage one in the five stages of grief: Denial.

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  • q25t

    Damsel brings up good points. I'd just like to add one thing. When the person commits suicide or just leaves, the people left behind may blame themselves if that was the case. But if someone else killed them or abducted them, then they can cast off the blame.

    It doesn't excuse the actions like trying to pin someone for murder, but I think it's at least an explanation.

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    • That's an excellent point!!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    So instead of trying to fix whats broken they take the cowards way out.

    I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but people who kill themselves are cowards.

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    • CraneyCrow

      I disagree. Suicide is probably the bravest act there is because very, very few people are able to do it. In some cultures, suicide is considered a brave and honorable act. Just because our culture condemns it, doesn't mean those who commit suicide are cowards. What about people who commit suicide to avoid a prolonged, agonizing death?

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      • Terence_the_viking


        Selfish and Cowardly. People tend to commit suicide because they think their life is shit. Instead of trying to change their life for the better they kiss it goodbye what about the people around them that have to try and get on with their lives?

        "What about people who commit suicide to avoid a prolonged, agonizing death?" I wouldn't class that as suicide.

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  • CraneyCrow

    Sometimes it WASN'T suicide.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It gets on my nerves too. But some people go into denial as if being denial can somehow solve all of their answers.... Also, suicide isn't "wrong".

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Moreover, suicide isn't "wrong".

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    • I agree, that's why I put it in quotes, but many people do think it's 'wrong'. These are usually the ones who can't accept that a loved one did it. Or did anything 'wrong' for that matter.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I agree.

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  • PuppyPower

    It's just hard to process and people are used to have that person around. It's sad seeing somebody loose a friend/family member. :(

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  • dude_Jones

    I have found that if you ignore mindlessly happy people, they won't hold it against you.

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  • MiaScar.

    I totally understand. Its normal.. You think theyre stupid, right? Cuz they are. I know how you feel. Too many stupid people around me, gets me mad too. Then people ask why i dont talk to them.

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  • manfart999

    tell them jump out of a plane without a parchoot and tgey will see them again >:)

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  • Lolaa

    I think the same way. However, when someone you love disapears for your life, I think everything changes. Those people can't accept the fact that a love one is gone. They try to make themselves feel better by finding a "happier" ending. When you feel miserable, you'll do everything you have to just i feel better.... And that includes denying the fact that the person commited suicide or ran away (is responsible for their disaperance)...

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