Is it normal to be so tired all the time?

Not to the point of falling asleep. Rather, I'm mentally exhausted all the times. Most things don't interest me anymore. My daily tasks are one boring thing after the other, and I feel I never have free time to go and have fun. There's always a chore to do, or I have do to things for my family members, or even taking care of my personal hygiene is a chore because everything takes so long. For instance, I don't understand how brushing my teeth and washing my face takes up 10 minutes. Should that be more like 5? I know it sounds petty, but the times always adds up.
My family thinks it's because I work at home that I've become lazy, but that's just a 'boomer' attitude. I love working at home - I spent many years commuting to a job and more often than not I felt like throwing myself in front of the bus instead of getting on it (Yes I sought therapy about that at the time). I hated commuting to work, because I STILL struggled with not having enough time and energy to do much. I STILL had to do all these boring tasks one after the other.

Is this normal? I don't know what 'fun' I desire, but it's like... pay bills, clean, grocery shop, pick up/drop off family members... I can't do it anymore. It's so overwhelming. I just want to sit and read a book but my mind is like "oh wait, you forgot to do that thing"

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Comments ( 9 )
  • sweetone89

    I feel like you sometimes. After a cancer diagnosis at 28, I just feel like what is the point in anything? Nothing really matters. almost a 4 year cancer survivor.

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  • ifuknowmenoudont

    These definitely sound like symptoms of depression. Losing motivation, falling out of love with your hobbies, being labeled "lazy" when truly you cannot find the drive to complete daily tasks like taking care of hygiene.

    You certainly need to dedicate time for leisure and self-care. It sounds like you've been seriously neglecting your own wellbeing. If life seems overwhelming yet boring at the same time, perhaps pick up a new hobby or change up your routine to break the monotony.

    If you feel that you must constantly do things for your family members, you might be guilt-tripping yourself. Have a conversation with them about how you feel like you need some time off. I've learned to treat myself like a friend or family member. You are worth just as much as them. They deserve rest and happiness, so do you. Do not prioritise them over yourself.

    The bottom line is, I would recommend seeking a therapist for a proper diagnosis or tips on improving your lifestyle :)

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  • pronk

    i don't think it's a boomer attitude i think it's an attitude reserved for people who are accustomed to tradition. i'm not sure what a boomer attitude would be here... i'd be curious to find out... probably go buy some flowers?

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I schedule alone time/recreational time into my calendar. Its sounds depressing but it works. Even just an hour to do something that isn't a chore or work. It may feel selfish at first and your family members may call you selfish but it's important to your sanity. *Oxygen mask analogy*

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    Could be many things from low blood pressure to depression. Start by telling your doctor asap.

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  • uou

    Just find a hobby or something to make life more interesting. Make new friends, do some exercise, maybe learn how to cook. I also like to stay organized by keeping notes and such and sometimes using a checklist, makes life easier.

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  • litelander8

    Yeah. Fuck that thing you forgot to do. Hygiene is cool thing to stay on top of. But fuck the dishes.

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    • Tommythecaty

      Do not fuck the dishes, people need to eat off them.

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      • litelander8

        Squeaky clean!! ☺️

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