Is it normal to be such an indoor person

I LOVE spending my weekends indoors, at home, chilling, watching netflix, ordering pizza. I LOVE spending that precious time off work to pamper myself: paint my nails, facials, toenailss.etc. I used to be more active in going to the gym but not no more.

Anyway, Im seriously wondering how many more out there are like me. Do you go out with your friends? (I dont have friends by the way) Is it normal that Im such an indoor cat?

People always say to go out more, but im too lazy for that. Id rather catch up on sleep, or surf the internet, watch youtube videos, or study.

Is this a self destructing habit? am i wasting away my youth?

is it normal people tell me how normal this is.

Voting Results
91% Normal
Based on 44 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Angelmikeal0

    its your life live it the way you like.

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  • cantthinkofone

    i love being at home. i feel safe when I'm at home. when i go out with my friends i have fun and all but i much rather be at home. i make plans with my friends because i truly do want to spend time with them. but i always cancel the plans and hang out at home.

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  • erlang

    In a sense I can relate. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but if you spend all your time doing the same things you'll probably regret it to some degree later in life. You only get one shot at life and there's so much more than what's in the walls of your house. If you give going out a serious try and still hate it, then just stay indoors.

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  • ucipher8

    You are much like me. In a way you are "wasting" your youth, theres a lot of shit to do out in the world and yes it can be fun. Then again i prefer to spend most and a majority of my time to myself. I dont have any friends either, if i did they'd be homebodies ("homies") like myself and we'd just be chilling at my place or theirs, cut off from the rest of society to just enjoy life as we see fit.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    You sound like me. I do go places but mostly indoors. Unless the weather is perfect I prefer the indoors.

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  • noid

    If you're happy.

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  • handsignals

    Not sure if were the best people to ask, or the worst.

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