Is it normal to be suspicious of food made by someone who is upset with me

On occasion when I argue or have a fall-out with friends, family members or disgruntled waiting staff I am deterred from eating any food or beverage that they prepare or serve for me. I am aware that my suspicion sounds ridiculous when I try to express it however, in my mind in makes perfect sense that someone would, by some means, attempt to poison or drug me when I have pissed them off. I hope someone can relate to my concern. Cheers.

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83% Normal
Based on 42 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Justsomejerk

    I refuse to dine with a friend of mine. He is a cunt and I assume he consumes litres of spit.

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  • hairyfairy

    Iv`e heard some freaky stories about what what staff do to your food if you upset them in a resturant or takeaway, so I`m very careful to be nice to these people.

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    You're very wise. I don't trust anybody wth my food after this asshole put laxative in stew he brought for potluck.

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  • Sonotnormal_ha

    It's understandable but I'm sure no one will try to poison you

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  • I get thoughts like this...but then I thought if it does happen I'd drink glass of water with a bit of bicarbonate of soda then get help and get the word out whats happened.

    But its this 'fear' of poisoning that stops me going clubbing...alcohol isn't great inside me as it stomach pains from it diluted with a recent meal! Someone spotting me having soft drinks would make me feel like a prime target for my drink to be spiked...and that would probably hospitalise me.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    If the cute girls who serve my hamburger spat in it I'd actually be turned on, but since I'm nice and polite to them it's unlikely to happen.

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  • little_freak

    It's just common sense.

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  • cigs

    oh hell yeah i relate well, im the same way as you are with the food i still wonder who might have drugged my food that i ate and that will be the last time i ever eat any free food because i was not expecting that to happen to me.

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  • Energy

    I have the same thing. But my mom calls it paranoid schizophrenia, so I don't know if its normal or not... Doesn't sound normal to me. But I can't help it.

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    • cigs

      then i must have that flue that you have.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yes there are ground for you to be suspicious.

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  • dappled

    I completely relate. One of my golden rules is to always be polite to takeaway drivers and cooks, no matter how much the provocation.

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