Is it normal to be terrified of the future?

Is it normal to be terrified of the future? To think you have no chance of making it in the real world, living a fulfilling and happy life and becoming a successful adult?

When I think about this stuff, I feel sick. Especially because I'm pretty much there. I graduate university this year. I don't feel ready for this.

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87% Normal
Based on 30 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I am sometimes left terrified and deeply concerned about the future. My thoughts are based more on the fate of the planet and humankind as a whole, more so than just myself. Granted, I do tend to worry about myself.

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  • handsignals

    I'm in my 30's and still feel like that.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Welcome to the realities of modern life. I hope you chose you college curriculum wisely, as that might make a huge difference in how easily you proceed through the next few years.
    In my day, growing up under the threat of nuclear annihilation, there was little reason to bother with things like college or even to think about any future, so we chose to "live for today", "sex, drugs & rock n roll" and "turn on tune in drop out" and we became the first generation in history that didn't do better than our parents.
    Stop worrying, it certainly won't help, and rely on the fact that all will turn out OK in the end.

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  • MysteriousTrainerfromBeyond

    I'm not ready for it either. That's why I still live with my mother and currently unemployed. In a way, I'm looking forward to having my own home but at the same time, it's good to not worry about that stuff just yet.

    You don't have to go out there now. Wait til you're ready. Then you'll be able to handle whatever life tosses at you. There's loads of 20-somethings still living with their folks. It's ok, OP. Pace yourself.

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  • seekelp

    Yes. Life sucks and there's nothing any of us can do about it.

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