Is it normal to be terrified to get them?

I had bed bugs about a year ago. They bit me all over and it was misery. We got rid of them, but I'm terrified of getting them from somewhere else. I don't want another infestation. I heard there was no way to prevent them or treat them yourself. Also, it does not mean you're dirty. Bed bugs do not discriminate against living conditions. is it normal to be so afraid of them? Are my fears all for nothing?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Mytwin295

    It is also said that people eat a shit ton of spiders while they sleep... The only possible solution, dont go to sleep

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  • thegypsysailor

    I read an article a year or so back of an old lady who was eaten alive by bed bugs. She was confined to her bed by a debilitating disease and couldn't get up. So you are quite justified to be afraid, very afraid. If I were you, I'd sleep in a hammock where they can't get you.

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    • Johnnytherat

      until the hammock breaks then you break your back and are confined to a hospital bed... there is no escaping the bed bugs!

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      • thegypsysailor

        too true, too true.

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