Is it normal to be this scared of the dark?
I can't sleep if it's dark. I literally sit in my bed hugging a blanket for hours. Even when the lights are on, I don't like sleeping alone at night. And I'm 18.
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I can't sleep if it's dark. I literally sit in my bed hugging a blanket for hours. Even when the lights are on, I don't like sleeping alone at night. And I'm 18.
You're too old for this. I can't even comprehend how you could be afraid of the's kinda childish no offense.
Do you do this every night? If so then you may want see if anyone can help you. I'm scared of the dark still also and I'm 18 but to be honest, I sleep with a night light
You might have a phobia. It's not not-normal, but your reaction is just a little worrying..
Nyctophobia is a severe fear of darkness. You might be thinking of something that might happen when its dark. Im afraid of the dark too. I always need a small light or a lamp shade to at least give some comfort for my eye. I cant stand darkness, it makes me feel dark and makes me overthink some things that I should not.
Eh, who am I to judge. If you like the lights on then that's your preference, it doesn't matter if it's what's normal or not.
I have a hard time sleeping in my apartment if my roommates are gone, some people are just comforted when others are around.
I don't like the dark either /: one night there was a power out and when I woke up I thought I went blind.