Is it normal to be this way after being stalked?
I was stalked (and am now being cyberstalked) by an ex-boyfriend since May of this year. He broke into my apartment three times and physically assaulted me once after tailing me across my college campus. Since then, he has fled the state. However, the paranoia that he brought out in me stayed behind. I can only sleep with a teddy bear and a night light (I'm 20), my diet is very poor, and I constantly feel like reverting back to being a child.
I compulsively check all closets and underneath all beds when I enter a room and in the shower and underneath the sink every time I use a bathroom. Open and/or unlocked windows and doors deeply upset me, and I check the backseat and trunk of my car before driving. Every noise I hear that I cannot identify puts me on edge.
I'm currently seeking out help for this but I want to know if this is a typical reaction to stalking.