Is it normal to be utterly terrified of hurting women in any way?
Be me
Raised by women.
No real male authority figures or role models.
Learn to be a gentleman because it's forced down my throat.
Here I am at 24, an all around well rounded dude except I cannot allow myself to hurt a women or really anger her.
My mom had an explosive temper, rarely hit me but she would explode like once a year and break things. Pots, pans, furniture. To be fair she was under a lot of stress though, trust me. Thing is that I've never actually witnessed a man lose thier temper to that extent. I read about it and hear about it but as a child I've only seen super angry women.
Now here's the thing, when I deal with girls I'm always afraid of getting them angry. I just don't do or say anything that may get them annoyed. If a girl bitched me out at a bar I'd be mortified. My first thought would be to make her change her mind about me, say it's okay that I said what I said, apologise. It's never happened though, doubt I'd let it happen. Thing is that I'm too passive, and one way I try not to piss off girls is to not approach them unless I'm sure they're interested in me. So I only get low self esteem girls who can't hide thier attraction well. I don't really like that honestly. Also when they get down on themselves and think I'm out of thier league... which always happens because I'm really good looking, I just console them and try to make them happy.
2 times I've ever really pissed off a girl, drunk both times. Both times, afterwards they were more or less cool with it. Like they were just pissed for a little bit. But for me, after they cried or yelled at me via text respectively I was totally broken.
Just for some context. I never cry, I don't really even care when family members die, fucked up as it is. That's unrelated but just for context. And these random girls being mad at me totally destroys me. One was sad for me having sex with her when she was drunk and asking for it, literally throwing herself at me. (I was drunk too). The other was mad because she let me carry her to a walk in closet after a make out session, which I put her down in front of and she walked into. When we started making out more with her sitting on me I felt up her tits. That's what pissed her off. She bitched me out via text later on.
These reactions destroyed me though. Like for way longer than the girls even cared about it. The firsy girl hung out wiyh me after, the second still wanted yo date me after we talked it out and agreed she sent some mixed signals. The first one made me feel like a rspist tho and the second made me feel like an animal. They both got over it way faster than I did. Doesn't make sense.
Can I get around my mental conditioning? Is it possible? Is it normal? Ladies like a guy who can be themselves and have an edge but I can't take the emotional feedback if I fuck up even minorly which sucks because sometimes that anger girls feel is what ignites thier passion.
Problem is nobody's going to teach me how to be okay with pissing off women. It's not a problem most people have.