Is it normal to be "virgin with breast milk"

is it normal to leak milk from her breast as a virgin,
and she is scared to tell this to anyone,
because it may cause in doubting in her virginity.

and she is so confused about it.
i guess this is the best place to ask about it,

is virgin breast milk a normal phenomena ?

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 5 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    I'd say it's normal, and it's likely nothing serious. She should probably tell a doctor about it anyway though just so she won't worry about it.

    But this is exactly why shaming people for having sex is so dangerous and harmful to society. What if this was something serious? Then she could potentially lose her life to an easily curable condition because she's afraid of what people would think of her.

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    • ok, but i don't believe sex is an answer, and i do care about virginity

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  • CountessDouche

    Yes you can get nipple discharge without having sex. It's no reason to panic. It's a normal biological function & it doesn't mean you aren't a virgin. Please ignore the other comments. It is indicative of a hormone imbalance, but you can have minor milk production without any issues. I'd get checked out with your doctor just to be safe, because it can be a sign of other health problems, but it has nothing to do with having sex. And I wouldn't worry about spontaneous pregnancy.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      ^Seconded, breathe OP you are *not* pregnant.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Is she a cow?

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  • kikilizzo

    Yeah it's normal in the sense that it can definietely happen, though it's not exactly common. The body can do weird things.

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  • kelili

    Not here to scare you but I have a friend who had the same problem. She's a lesbian and went to see a doctor for it. She was not pregnant but her body was producing way more hormones than necessary. They still haven't figured out what exactly is wrong with her. The scariest part is that she had those cysts just forming in different part of her body.
    She still hasn't got an answer or a good treatment.

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  • Tommythecaty

    *Squints at phone

    Fucking what?!

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Okay, that doesn't make any sense. Who cares if someone doubts her virginity?

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    • parents and neibours etc,

      i/she don't live in a modernized society, where virginity doesn't matter

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety


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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    It's not "normal" but it's not something to be ashamed of. It happens more often than you would think. There's even cases of men lactating; although that's far medically serious.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Yes, it's possible with the right hormones for virgin lady to start to manufacture milk and to have her breast leak.

    That would not happen normally... so she is either taking those hormones for another reason, is being exposed to them from an unknown source, or her body is not functioning properly.

    It's time for her to be checked out medically, and have hormone level testing done. Then try to identify and resolve the issue.

    ps: It's also possible for a virgin to be pregnant... so perhaps the start of milk generation is going as planned and she does not know that she is pregnant. Again, something the Dr would check on.

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    • CountessDouche

      Dude, I'm usually chill & agree with most of your comments or respectively disagree because they're well sourced. But dont tell people they can get pregnant as virgins randomly. Theres people from conservative muslim countries etc etc on here. That's incredibly rare. Yes it's possible for a woman to get pregnant from preejaculate & theres even a rare case of a woman getting pregnant from oral sex after getting stabbed I believe, but that is like a nothing chance. This is obviously a woman who's really scared about how her body functions...please be sensitive and reassuring. And I say that with all due respect because your comments are usually very helpful.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Thanks for your vote of confidence in general.

        What you may not know (and few people do) is that every year there are approximately 20 babies born to woman in the USA alone - who claim that they were virgin when they got pregnant. It's a fairly common worldwide phenomena.

        The key question (which may be clear to you in your mind) is what is "virginity" and when does a person lose it.

        It's very similar to the question of what is "sex"? Just when does a sex act occur. I assure you that there is quite a wide variety of personal opinions on that.

        There is also a wide variety of individual definitions of what being "virgin" means. Now when these approximately 20 woman describe to others what they were doing - most others no longer consider them to be virgin. Who gets to decide on who is right?

        The young lady in question may consider herself to be virgin, while others would not consider it so. Back to the statistics: Within the USA there are about 20 babies born each year to woman who claim they are virgin.

        I hope that clarifies things. It's more than just a "nothing chance".

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    • “virgin to be pregnant”, really?

      how is that even possible

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      • PurpleHoneycomb

        Artificial insemination.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Is her name mary?

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    • why is it mary?

      i don't know, if it was something in Christianity, because I'm not..

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      • Grunewald

        Christians hold that God sent a man-deity to earth, whom we recognise to be Jesus of Nazareth. As this figure has become well-known, lots of stories about him have emerged. However, most people who believe in Jesus' parity with God, believe in the story that he is the son of a Jewish virgin woman, whose name was Mary. As far as I know, the very earliest stories that we still have, contain this detail. They tend to go back over 2000 years and scholars have found about 25,000 copies of the ancient manuscripts, so we can be quite sure that this is what people who follow Jesus have historically believed.

        Before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth there were myths of other god-like figures being born of virgins from outside of the Jewish community. Many people at that time (Jews and non-Jews) were waiting for a saviour-like figure, like Jesus, to come. At least some non-Jews people would have expected a god to be born in this way, and this appears to be what God delivered, as a sign, because Jesus was to be recognised by the world as its saviour. That being said, there were many prophecies in the sacred Jewish texts that specified a lot of things about the coming man, which turned out to be true of Jesus. There is even one about a virgin conceiving and bearing a son. To this day, there are parts of the Hebrew scriptures that synagogues even try to down-play or discourage Jewish people from reading - possibly to quash all credence in Jesus of Nazareth being the saviour whom they are still waiting for to this day.

        By this latter comment I mean no discredit to the Jewish people. It's no wonder that they don't like their people reading the parts of their texts that Christians hold dear, since the Christian church hasn't done the Jewish people any favours, historically. After Emperor Constantine's reign in about the 3rd century CE, when Christianity was established as a compulsory religion of the Roman Empire and anti-Semitism became rife, Christian churches de-emphasised the Jewish influences on the Christian tradition (notably, the Bible-writers' open admiration of the Jewish scriptures and their attempts to create unity between Jews and non-Jews). To this day we can't be sure whether Constantine had meant well by making Christianity compulsory, or whether he was just exploiting the Christian religion as a tool of power. But whereas Jewish and non-Jewish Christians used to mix and marry, after Constantine, this stopped. In medieval times there came to be a popular idea that the death of Jesus was the fault of the Jews, and this was used to justify acts of anti-Semitic hatred and exclude them from the Christian tradition that they had essentially founded. All in all, it isn't surprising that synagogues want their faithful members to have nothing to do with Jesus. Even though he and his virgin mother Mary were Jewish. The whole situation makes me and a lot of other Christians really sad. And that's putting it mildly.

        So this is who Mary is. A Jewish girl born in what today we call Palestine, in around 15 BCE, who is recognised by Christians as the virgin mother of Jesus of Nazareth.

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