Is it normal to be wiccan or other pagan?
I know Pagans (of which Wiccans are a subset) are way in the religious minority, but wondered if people think it's OK or not OK to be Pagan. Paganism is by far the fastest growing religion in the US, but members still only amount to around one million. And it's the fifth largest religion in the US (larger than Buddhism), if you lump all the Christians together as one group. There are actually more Pagans in Europe.
I thought this would be a good time to ask since Easter was originally the major Pagan sabbat called Ostara (from Eostre). It was a celebration of Spring and fertility. The celebrations included rabbits (because of their fertility), egg decorating, and decorating with plants and flowers. No coincidence we still have the Easter bunny and these other forms of celebration. Other Pagan sabbats that were covered over by the Christians include Samhain (All Hallows Eve/All Saints Day - Halloween), Yule (Christmas), Beltane (May Day).
Your thoughts? Is it OK/normal to be Pagan?