Is it normal to believe christians don't deserve the benefit of the doubt?

Christians are psychopaths. They worship a god who has killed at least millions of people, including wiping out nearly the entire human race. They worship a god who put down a law that said people should be stoned for having gay sex. They worship a god who sends people to Hell just for questioning whether he exists and think that's just and desirable. They believe a god that commits those acts should be loved instead of fought. There is absolutely no way you can worship a being you believe does these things and not be a terrible person. I refuse to respect all belief systems because people who have such a religion are dangerous and not worthy of respect. I'd sooner respect neo-Nazis, as Hitler didn't murder as many people as Christians believe God did. I refuse to participate in religious tolerance. If you worship a god of murder, you deserve to be hated and discriminated against, you fucking psycho.

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 13 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • handsignals

    Is there any religion that is not fucked up?

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  • Short4Words

    You have Christianity way wrong. And are you just talking about major disasters here?

    Because even that is caused by us. If you pour chemicals on the that grass will become tainted. So will our pollution affect the air and the heat and yada yada. You should also know many Christians just reject most of the old testament because it shares very little with the new testament in terms of tone and general ideas. Old testament seems pretty bad, maybe if you had just read that, you could feel this way but not new testament.

    I don't know where you got that you go to hell by questioning his existence, where are you getting these ideas from?

    The Christians I know believe in loving others and do so through things like charity, hospitality and forgiveness. Those are things we can all strive for.

    I think you're right to question but I don't think you have met many christians, and if you have God have mercy on them because they must suck.

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  • dom180


    No, there's nothing normal about that. I've met a lot of Christians who I can safely say aren't bad people and definitely aren't psychopaths.

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  • anti-hero

    Nice troll attempt. Let's see how it works.

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    • I don't understand why every time someone has an unpopular belief they are accused to be a troll.

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      • anti-hero

        I can see through bullshit my buggy brother.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Respect is earned, not given and Christians or Muslims did nothing to earn it.

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  • q25t

    There are a few possible ways that Christians can get away with 'believing' all these things and not be psychopaths.

    1. They simply don't know about them. I'm assuming you got all of this from the Bible, as this is all in there, along with a whole lot more. The thing is, nearly all Christians haven't read the whole Bible, and many haven't read any of it.

    2. They were already too heavily invested when they found out. A lot of Christians hear about the atrocities, immorality, and the problems with god later on in life when they have already been told for decades that 'God is love', 'God loves everyone', and all sorts of things that are contradicted by the facts. Many then question their faith, but many simply refuse to accept that as their god and argue on interpretation and context, neither of which are actually excuses.

    3. Might makes right. This one isn't exactly as common, but some Christians when they discover the problems of their religion choose to accept them and then deny that they are problems at all by virtue of their god's omnipotence.

    4. Cherry picking. This is probably the most common bit for Christians, Muslims, and pretty much every religion with a book of rules. Christians in particular like to cite their book when attempting to prove a point, like many do when arguing against gay marriage. Leviticus is often brought up as the source, but Christians fail to realize that if Leviticus is to be followed, they have to change their lifestyle in drastic ways. No more unclean animals (unless you accept Peter's 'prophetic vision), no more two-fiber clothing, no more two crop fields, no more shaving, and quite a bit more.

    The Christians that are aware of these problems generally choose to only accept the rules that already fit into their lifestyle and throw the rest out, generally citing mistranslations, different time period, or some other half-answer.

    Just be happy there aren't many Christians who actually follow their book.

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