Is it normal to believe facebook is just another way of testing your ego?

Don't get me wrong, Facebook is not all bad. The pros of it are that you can keep in touch with people that you don't see very often (like distant relatives or people from high school). You also have a way to keep these people, or "friends", up to date on what's going on with your life. However, there are several cons to Facebook too. It can really be depressing when you come to think about it (and if you let it be). Some of the cons are: a)you find out that people you were friends with in high school (or thought you were) didn't invite you to their weddings, showers, etc., leading you to feel left out, b)you send friend requests to people you used to know but they never respond, c) people you were "friends" with drop you, leading you to wonder what you did or said wrong, d)if you're single it seems like everybody else is in a relationship, e)you find out other people have loads of comments on most of their photos, notes, etc. while you don't, and f)YOU WIND UP COMPARING YOUR LIFE TO EVERYBODY ELSE'S. Basically what Facebook is is a popularity contest that plays games with your feelings about yourself. It's also extremely hard to stay away once you get hooked. The only reason I still have Facebook is to keep in touch with other people, because talking on the phone is so outdated. Is it normal to feel this way about it?

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85% Normal
Based on 91 votes (77 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • I do believe facebook boost people's egos but it also knocks it down. I can't even go on Facebook anymore because I don't have any friends. I only use it to keep in touch with my family. I never really had any friends and was fine with that but Facebook showed me how sociable other people are and how I'm so different. When I see it in black and White it makes me depressed. Facebook is good and bad, the amount of good/bad depends on the person.

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  • Pisslan616

    There were some assholes at my school and me being quiet and slightly nerdy got the piss taken out of me a few times.

    We leave school. Suddenly they try and add me on facebook. I just decline request. And the only reason they tried to add me was to rack up another "friend" to add to their already over inflated list.

    So yer some people do treat it like a popularity contest.

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  • howaminotmyself

    What isn't a test for the ego?

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  • Riddler

    I left Facebook because everyone I knew became a jerk on it. I don't understand what the deal with this site is. It brings out the worst in people. People will ignore children since they were playing on Facebook.

    People will become depressed since they don't have anything cool to post on Facebook. People will be great to you in real life but the minute they are on Facebook treat you like yesterdays garbage. I don't understand this.

    I liked Facebook because I wanted to play the mini games when I was bored and talk to people. Everyone else just uses it to harass each other though. Why does Facebook turn everyone into awful people.

    I act the same that I do on every other website that I do on Facebook. I put up a character, express my opinion as I would normally, and just act like I usually do. Why people cant be given a privilege like this without turning into shitbags is a mystery I will never understand.

    To me its the internet and I can be whatever fun exciting character I want to be. Though I am not really effected when a friend says "Oh I got a boat". I say "Wow that's really awesome im happy for you." I don't say "I don't have a boat I think I will just go kill myself now".

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  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    i hate facebook its boring

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  • AngAnders112

    Seems like Facebook and Americans just can't get any love on this site!

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    • Riddler

      A mother let her child drown because she was playing on Facebook. She was too busy being an idiot to give a shit about her children.

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    • dappled

      Aww, I love Americans. I'm a bit indifferent to Facebook, though.

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  • dappled

    It's just an advertising hub with social networking tacked on. No site exists without making money and people posting what their favourite band or film or whatever is, is actually really useful information. Especially when they know your demographics, and thousands of other things you're interested in, because you've "Like"'d them or mentioned them in status updates.

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  • UliNalaMansae

    Yes it bloody hell is!

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  • evildoctorporkchop

    Hey. Just stop comparing yourself to others. Sorted.

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  • springintokyo

    I hate facebook. I don't get why all my friends want to talk to me on *that*. I would prefer they call me. But back in the day when I got my facebook, I added everyone who requested me. They were mostly people I knew in high school. Now they're sluts and lowlives and some are actually doing things that I'm pretty jealous of, not going to lie. I just don't see the point in posting your whole life on facebook. I don't want people to know that much about me.

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  • emilydoll

    I hear pol saying this but I've never seen it that way.

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  • emilydoll

    An insecure judgemental person might see it that way.

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  • Tehboss

    No. You are just so insecure about yourself you use each and every oportunity to compare yourself to others. How about you grow up and stop being such a lil kid and stop ruining the internet with your small insecure and whiped ego?
    have a nice day now =D

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