Is it normal to believe in aliens?

I believe that we aren't alone in the universe and I'll even go as far to say that the governments of the world are aware and may very well have been in contact with ETs. Is it normal to believe this?

Voting Results
91% Normal
Based on 34 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • litelander8

    The US government literally admitted to having contact with ETs a couple months ago. Do y’all seriously live under a rock?

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    • YE

      So I heard on a BBC program, where there was also this debate about the possibility of humans trading with aliens.

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    • devclied

      Hi! Do you have any links for this? I'd be interested. Also, there are a bunch of declassified documents from the government outlining that they have been "investigating" the UFO phenomenon (Project Blue Book).

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      • YE

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    • PurpleHoneycomb

      From my understanding, a lot of the users on this site are either not located within the United States or try to avoid social media/the news.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    They line up at the southern US border.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Probably life out there somewhere if the universe really is as big as they claim with so many different solar systems. Its more likely there are other life forms even if theyre just snails or even bacteria.

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    I don’t know about governmental contact, butI definitely believe in ET life. I’ve long been a fan of the Drake equation, which if factored even conservatively, works out to 1,000 intelligent civilizations just in the Milky Way galaxy.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I'm also convinced as well (look up the Drake Equation). However, they most likely have not made contact. We might have detected them or they might have detected us.

    Communications over interstellar distances would be very difficult due to the light-speed limit of electromagnetic waves.

    I also believe that it is possible to build a faster than speed of light travel mechanism. Then you get into the question of the chance of us randomly meeting another race. The statistical probability is virtually zero for such random contact.

    Once they detect our civilization... then the chance of contact goes up dramatically. Radio waves from earth have been transmitting for about 100 years. There are an estimated 76 stars within 100 light years. We have not detected radio transmissions from those stars

    In my opinion we need to be detectable by at least 10,000 stars to likely run into another civilization that would have the ability to detect our signals, and respond.

    The chances are much lower that said civilization would have a Faster Than Light travel capability.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      If you traveled at the speed of light towards a direction in space wouldnt you run a tremendous risk of hitting an object in your way?

      Im sure you have heard about the wow signal from the 1970s. Its possible something has detected us already.

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  • Vvaas

    i think there's gotta be some sort of other life out there because of just how vast the universe is, however i doubt something as self-aware as us or more would be close enough to earth to come communicate to us

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  • megadriver

    Normal. Aliens are out there and they have probably made first contact with us a long time ago. It's only a matter of time before the info is released.

    Only an idiot would think that us humans are the only intelligent life in the universe.

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  • Somenormie

    There are aliens among us.

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    Indeed. Aliens are coming over the Mexico-US border more than ever, thanks to Lord Biden, and queen Harris. Idiots(Those two fools, not anyone here).

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  • LornaMae

    I believe them because I know for a fact that suckonthis9 left with them in their air-conditioned HV-whatever name it was -spaceship!

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  • Tinybird

    there's definitely life out there

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  • litelander8

    Oh, no! Not a shitty git! 😱

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  • Meowypowers

    How or why would aliens keep their physical bodies? Wouldn't they just eventually become energy like we will become after the singularity? It is terribly inneficient and expensive to move heavy stuff just beyond earth's gravitational pull. I would think life becomes AI and would basically need only light for energy and would only transport to the closest energy sources as needed.

    I don't think there are big fat blobs of inneficient "inteligent" bio mass traveling the cosmos looking for planets with other big fat wasteful blobs of biology with rudimentary intelligence to interact with.

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    • Rocketrain

      That's the stereotypical idea about extraterrestrials. This is a Theory about biological life somewhere else, intelligence or not. It's is different. We only know this much. Nothing beyond the earth. If the life happened with millions of years revolution here, why it cannot happen somewhere else. Biological existence we know depend on a what we have on this earth. Life adopts. We don't know if it has adopted with different circumstances in somewhere else. When the possibility exits, we cannot deny it only because we yet do not know.

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  • Rocketrain

    A fish in the sea may not believe in humans because where they live and lack of understanding about the revolution. As humans we only know the biological revolution up to us. That doesn't mean life in other forms doesn't exist.
    Most of the people who don't believe there can be other life in some where or here somewhere hidden,
    One lack of knowledge about revolution
    Two, in to religions way too much and extraterrestrial cannot be added to the believing without threatening the believings.

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  • FeedMeTurds

    aliens are transphobic.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I lived in Las Vegas, Nevada, which happens to be a UFO spotting hotspot, for fifteen years, and I've seen a few things in the sky that I couldn't identify. For the record I kinda hope that aliens are not checking us out. There's also the possibility that the weird things people see in the sky might be related to the U.S. military when you consider Las Vegas' proximity to Nellis Air Force Base, and Area 51.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      the real question is where is elvis and have you seen him lately?

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