Is it normal to believe in the american "monoparty"

This doesn't apply to citizens who vote Republican or Democrat, this only applies to politicians in D.C.

Look at the behavior of Republicans and Democrats in Washington: it's obvious they both want the same thing, but for the sake of keeping up appearances, Republican politicians have agreed to be the "bad guys" who always take the blame, always take the fall, and never, EVER fail to cave any time they face even the tiniest amount of pressure from the left

There's only one party in Washington, and the only difference voting makes is if you want people to suck you off for being an open-minded hero of the disenfranchised or to physically assault you for being a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. etc. etc.

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80% Normal
Based on 5 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • PurpleHoneycomb

    It's already been mentioned, but the "radicals" of both sides are the only ones that can actually be differentiated from the other politicians.

    We can mock Bernie Sanders and Lauren Boebert all we want, but at least they're preaching something other what the others are.

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    • I don't like Bernie Sanders and I don't have any faith that his ideas would work. He also wrote that fucked-up essay in which a main thesis of his was that women all fantasize about being gang-raped (which, incidentally such an essay would have completely nuked any Republican, but because Benie's insulated by the corrupt hand of "Democrats" in Washington, the story was promptly buried and forgotten), but I at least respect him for being authentic despite the pushback from his party

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  • Ligeia

    Yeah I believe in the (((uniparty)))

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    • ospry

      I've seen the ((( ))) before. What do the triple parentheses mean?

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  • KholatKhult

    They’re both moderate right-wing parties
    One screeches about conservative and one screeches about liberalism, both seek nothing but divide and conquer and keep all power out of the hands of the people

    The United States is a liberal, individualistic, globalizing, monster that relies on sucking the global south and East dry because the West lives in an unsustainable bubble where everyone is propagandized into thinking they’re “saving” everyone

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    • I've always hated that savior complex. It's the same bullshit reasoning that was used to justify slavery. Slave owners would say they were bettering their slaves by introducing them to "civilized" life

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  • LloydAsher

    The republicans have a name for it.

    The 𝕰𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙

    Pretty much the status quo republicans a democrats that are responsible for all the bad in the american goverment.

    I'm less concerned it's a group effort (secret society, because that would simply implode due to infighting) than a bunch of random party associates thinking in the same direction and actively fucking their constituents over.

    And honestly I havent been quite as concerned about geopolitics than normal, steady course to world domination with an american brand of globalization. Got to wait and see what worms get brought up in all of this.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    If you want to see who the real ones who arent establishment look at the ones that they attack the most. There's a few outliers on both sides and they get flack constantly, sexual assault allegations, etc etc.

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    • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

      Rand Paul, Newt Gingrich, and Bernie Sanders are the only politicians who I actually believe are sincere in their views. everyone else just lies for personal gain

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Jim Gordans alright too

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