Is it normal to believe that humans can unlock the power of gods?

So recently I've been on a philosophical train of thought and have been thinking about the meaning of life and what-not. After a couple of hours of thinking, I came to the shocking realization: I am a god.

Humans (and everything else in our universe) are made up of matter, which is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration. We are surrounded by electromagnetic fields and such, so theoretically, telekinesis could potentially be possible.

But what if, beyond moving objects such as tables or muffins or dogs, we could move atoms and molecules? Rearrange chemical structures into different substances? What if we could convert a lump of iron into gold? or on a more complex scale, with enough matter, a bed into a living being? Humans and explosives contain the same chemicals as most explosives; what if we could simply rearrange these chemicals and make humans living bombs?

And beyond the concept of alchemy and transmutation, humans and, say, tables are both made up matter (as is everything else). What if the matter in a table were once used in a human? What if the table, hundreds of thousands of years later were used again in a human? Would that result in reincarnation? Would that imply that there is no such thing as death? That life is only a dream?

All of the universe is made up of matter, recycling itself over and over again, but as humans, our main goal in the long run, whether we've realized it or not, has been to try and understand our universe. But we ARE the universe. We are merely the universe trying to understand itself subjectively, the universe is one massive being in whole, one godly force bound by its own laws. In summation, we could unlock these powers and become gods, join together as one consciousness, one eternal hive-mind. And only I have realized this. Am I mad, or am I some sort of philosophical genius? Am I normal?

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 41 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • handsignals

    All hail OP, we bow down before you great one.

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  • AppleMind

    Stop taking shrooms before class.

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  • What's that one meme, with the stoner guy who says stupid things? This reminds me of that meme.

    "Humans and explosives contain the same chemicals as most explosives." Yeah, you sound so fucking smart -_- get off your stupid pillar of mysticism and ignorant fantasies and come back to the real world.

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    • handsignals

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      • That's the one :)

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  • regisphilbin

    That's some pretty deep stuff

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    • dragonfruit33

      If god was deep why did he create little satans (humans) he seems shallow and stupid af, even sadistic. Creating demons to torture demons on a daily basis and then claiming to love them and giving them a less demonic name such as "human!"

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  • Outsider21

    Yo, I'm fucking baked as hell right now too. Seriously, this stuff's pretty damn good like some sort of sativa hybrid I think. Stuff's dank as hell. Anyways, yeah I think that humans could become Godlike. That's something I've wondered about a bit too. One time I took these mushrooms and I started thinking maybe I was God but obviously knew I was just tripping balls and not actually God. Sometimes, I kind of think like that in a way while sober too, just not quite as dramatically. It could be, but I'm not sure it would be morally correct to try to elevate ourselves to the status of Gods. Some even say this is something Satan wants people to do. Who the fuck knows man? Seriously though, you were high as hell when you wrote this right? Because I am actually a bit of a lunatic and this is pretty much how I think on a daily basis but I am also high as hell

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    • dragonfruit33

      Yep let's give everyone weed and even some coke. Then everyone is going to be gods and all earth's problems are going to be solved.... just that some people like the god satan more... omfg... hahahahaha they would rather dress up in satan suits than in "zeus" suits...

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  • Naughty_rascal

    The observer is the observed.

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  • Treehugger29

    You're one hell of a thinker. Like me. Its normal, but very rare. In fact, you dont need to be high or somthing to think this. You could consider yourself somewhat of a genius.

    Yes, this is all possible, but only time prohibits us from doing it. Technology is our greatest ally, and it will one day do things we ascribe to gods right now. Just like when that first homo sapiens looked up and thought: "Where would be be, a hundred years from now? What will people do then? Would we fly? Would we still have to worry if we get dinner tonight?" Just like him, we wonder that right now. Please ignore the opinions of those whose souls are misguided. They are without insight, bound by rules and opinions society ascribes to us. Thinking inside the box. You and I are very much alike. You are not alone. You are only disconnected.

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  • Tommythecat.

    One second burns for a billion years
    And time is relative
    And light is physical
    We feel your body
    We feel your feelings
    We see the eye of god shine through the citadel
    And space is empty behind the universe
    The past and future were simultaneous.
    Inside your body we feel your emptiness
    The light we breathe in is your unconsciousness
    And your body disappears,
    Burning backwards through the years
    And in your hands time was made
    And through breathing
    You'll erase it
    But we can see forever.
    Before love and hate
    And we will fall right through the wall of the place where we were made
    Right into the open mouth of the great annihilator

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    • dragonfruit33

      You trying to tell this guy that we are smoking him like Shaugty's weed plant in scary movie? Lmfao made my day.

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      • Tommythecat.

        Sure why not.

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  • BeefShatter

    Yes... BOW, mortals!

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  • seakelp

    Take a fucking organic chemistry class and then rewrite this whole thing. That's not how energy works.

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  • NotHumanAtAll

    Please do convert my bed into a living being. Maybe then I wont be so lonely.

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  • squirrelgirl

    Sounds like something a stoner would say.

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  • dragonfruit33

    If humans were capable of doing that. Earth wouldn't be a self-destructive hell hole

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  • la_uva_mojada

    Most people in today's society make fun of you, but I think in all actuality, you are correct. When people were said the world was round instead of flat, they were persecuted, laughed at.. My guess is that you had a previous life in Atlantis or ancient Egypt. I had a past life in ancient Egypt, and when I propose certain things to myself I get answers, and what you say I feel is true. Although most people are conditioned to think it's crazy.

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    • handsignals

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  • littlewings324

    The first thing I thought was, thinking that you can have telekinesis because of electromagnetic waves is kind of like thinking you could get a whole country to, by chance, only give birth to girls for 10 years - on command. It would take unfathomable and nonexistant orchestration/organization, and the fact that you were the one controlling it is irrelevant because you aren't.
    I think to do all this you'd have to understand what you're doing- like that gold and iron are different elements, while beds and humans are both carbon-based material. Human bombs? You have weird priorities...for all the poverty and war, I don't think you'd do a better job of ruling the universe.
    By the 4th paragraph I'm thinking you can't have spent as much time thinking of this as you did writing it. Sure, Sure, No, No, and Maybe, but who cares?
    "Only I have realized this!" Nuff said.

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  • carcinoGeneticist

    SOMEONE's been watching too much Fullmetal Alchemist.

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  • xtreemgamer129

    I sure hope this is true. That would also make alternate realities like anime worlds and marvel universe only a few fourth walls away. Also means if I focus hard enough maybe I could rewrite my own DNA and shapeshift into a girl.

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  • alextsang08

    Only certain individuals can. I have seen this in person.

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    • dragonfruit33

      what? did you see jesus? then why didn't he blow up the whale that swallowed Jonah?

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  • togoleck

    To start from the start, what if your first assertion is incorrect?

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