Is it normal to believe that touching yourself is a sin?
Is it normal to believe that touching yourself in a certain way is a sin?
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Is it normal to believe that touching yourself in a certain way is a sin?
The idea of labeling sexual activity as sinful seems to be largely limited to Juchrislam (the three Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam). Most other religions take a much healthier approach.
The are many explanations for this, but they mostly have to do with control and manipulation of the populace. The religious authorities instill a feeling of unavoidably guilt in you, and then they claim to be the only ones who can free you from it. The idea of "sin" is like the idea of "thought crime" from Orwell's 1984.
How do you not touch yourself? Do you wear oven mitts all the time? I bet your nethers are stanky from not giving them a good scrub
I wholeheartedly disagree, I do not believe that it is a sin. Sins arent real, they made up by people to diperse their convictions upon others.
Religion twists everything...religious brainwashing is like the ultimate octopus sitting over his head sucking his brains out...hail babylon...he does not know what is real or what is truly right or wrong any more. Zealots use religions as a type of sedative...because sleeping is better than thinking or feeling to them...zombie alert...zombie where is Mila Jojovich to kick some zombie butt with Judas Iscariot coins in her guns? Lololol
It all depends on your culture and what values people tried to instill in you. If you think that way, it's perfectly fine as long as you don't preach it to people.
If you don't want to do it, don't do it. But don't think it is bad in any way - it isn't.
Also, if there exists such a thing as "sin", it certainly wouldn't be about such stupid and trivial things.
The Bible really doesn't say anything on this subject, so I would say that it is more of a heart perspective than anything.
Normal? Yeah it's very normal. I've seen so many posts on here about masturbating being considered a sin and the guilt associated with people who, despite believing that, still do it. I'm going to assume you're talking about masturbation, and honestly you're putting way too much stress on it. It's normal and healthy even. But you are not alone in thinking it is a sinful act, although I really don't believe it's a bad thing to do. I certainty can't fathom a god that would banish someone to eternal damnation for it.
Let us put it this way if a married priest got hot for a married woman in his congegration and instead of nailing her and getting her pregnant and messing up his own life and losing his job, wife and kids over some horny scarlet woman, he rather played with himself to keep his junk in his pants and his desires under control...would that be regarded as a mortal sin or his infidelity? Some xtians are very dumb omw.
Moral of the story - rather face and battle with your own demons in your own room in your own hands...than to turn them loose on some evil woman and creating havoc you even cannot control.
Normal-ish. It's seems to be a quite common belief to have. There really is nothing evil about touching yourself. It even has some health benefits. Take your time and try it when you feel comfortable enough. One way, that I found to help quell my fears and discomfort, was by doing extensive research on my sexual anatomy. I read up on masturbation, its benefits and techniques and even saw some photos.
Yep they don't want guys to touch themselves...the church would rather have them sow their wild oats in women's reproductive parts..wonder why? To make more slaves they can control like rats to keep the enlightened ones ensalved.
Masturbation was given as a gift to save man from himself and his own stupid thoughts.
They want to make us believe that having children who hate you for life after making them and living in a loveless sexless relationship aka traditional marriage is God's ultimate will.
It is a lie!!!!
This guy seriously needs to masturbate to get his demons under control or else they would consume him in outward activities. Seriously...why don't they teach this for boys during sexual orientation in grade 3.....??