Is it normal to break down when extremely frustrated

Is it normal That when I am extremely angered or frustrated I break down and start crying and shaking? I lose almost all control over my urges and anger takes over completely accompanied by adrenaline, which makes me do stuff I wouldn't usually do, (throwing things, punching unbreakable objects, (usually a support beam in my room) and laying on the floor usually biting my hand or shaking) all while crying, not out of sadness or fear, but anger.

Voting Results
76% Normal
Based on 17 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )

    I would try talking to a specialist. You sound like you may suffer from anger issues. I’m sorry I can’t be of much help.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Settle down, dude.

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    • Insightful stuff, Rose. Wish it were that easy.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Me too. I'm chillin in the living room with my Dad, but inside I'm screaming. I think I'm having a panic attack. I know it's not normal.

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  • lordofopinions

    WOW. I wouldn't like to be around you when that happens. :(

    Try going for a walk and use calming breathing excerises to wind down. Think positive thoughts.

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    • I have tried to use breathing techniques when in that state, but when my mind is going a thousand thoughts a second, and my heart is racing, it's very hard to calm the shaky breathing.

      It also feels like a waste of time in the moment, the rush of adrenaline makes me feel very energetic, like I could lift a car.

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  • drunkdrow

    I used to have the same problem. I dont anger easily, but the last time happened when i was working at a bar/grill, when i was cooking over 100 orders alone, and the bartender asked me, not politely, where her friends turkey burger was that was put in 10 minutes ago. Punched a steel freezer door, broke my hand and didnt have the money to go to a hospital. Had to cook the rest of the orders with one hand. Ive learned to calm myself down since then. Just give it time (judging by the fact that you said "in my room i assume you're still young. If not, get some anger management), and realize there are consequences to you're actions. My right hand still doesnt work like it used to, and i didnt even dent that door

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  • Zeikfried

    Interesting case you've got going. Ever try meds?

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