Is it normal to build a church there?

A few years back, not far from my home, an abortion clinic was bombed by Christian terrorists. People lost their lives. Now, just a block away from that horrible tragedy, they are building a Christian church. I think it is terrible that they would build this symbol of the terrorists that attacked us so close to home right in the shadow of where the attack took place.

Is it normal to build it there?

Voting Results
58% Normal
Based on 26 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    so is this a metaphor for the nyc ground zero mosque?

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    • No I don't live in NYC and its a church not a mosque.

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      • RoyRogers

        What areas was bombed by Christians, how long ago and why?

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        • You ask the question like you are unaware of the existence of Christian Extremist terror groups. Is that even possible? There have been a number of bombing and other types of attacks like shootings at abortion clinics by Christian terrorists over the years, Google it.

          In addition to many many small attacks,the biggest bombing by a domestic terrorist was the Oklahoma City Bombing conducted by Timothy McVeigh who was a sympathizer of the Branch Davidians, the Christian cult that killed themselves in the Wako Texas seige.

          Another big one was the bombing of the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta conducted by a Christian Extremist. That action was praised by the Christian extreemist group The Army of God, who along with the KKK, are the two best known Christian Extremists terror groups in the country. While the Army of of God and the KKK have not been as active as they once were, members have still been linked to mass shootings and other smaller terror attacks conductes in the name of Jesus in recent years.

          That is just what I can think off the top of my head. If I Googled I could give you more. Honestly, I thought this was common knowledge

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  • thegypsysailor

    If anybody really gave a shit, I'd think they would do more than come on IIN and bitch. They'd certainly be banging their head against a wall to protect in Alabama, but at least you could stand up and be heard.

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    • Not really sure why you assume this is the only thing I have done. Myself and many others have spoken out about it to the church, our town council and others.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Wouldn't it be nice if you'd bothered to tell us of your other efforts to deal with this problem? I honestly wish I was psychic, but unfortunately I tend more towards being psychotic.

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        • Why would I have told you that? It has nothing to do with my question. All I asked is if people thought it was normal to build a church there. Why would you need to know that I spoke to the town council about it to answer my question? In what way does that information alter your opinion?

          I was just asking opinions, I wasn't writing a book.

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  • Terence_the_viking


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