Is it normal to call out my male housemate for his misogynistic "hate speech"?

My male housemate does not respect women as much as men. Examples:
1. He spent hours googling another female housemate and finally found nude pictures of her online. After that, we never heard the end of it. He kept on referring to her as "The Slapper", but not to her face, thank God. ("Slapper" means "prostitute".)
2. We were walking through the nightclub area downtown one evening and saw 4 guys using one of those public quad-urinals in the middle of the sidewalk (where you can see everything except for their butt and dick). I was so shocked; I could hardly believe what I was seeing. (Do they have those in the US, UK or Europe, anyone? I'm in Australia.) But when we got in the car, all my housemate could do was insult all the girls for looking like "tarts and whores" because nightclub fashion is so skimpy these days. He was silent on the matter of males pissing (albeit legally) in the middle of the street.
3. He despises promiscuous women but has no problem with promiscuous men. (The world is littered with the bodies of hookers killed by men who have exactly that attitude.)
4. He dumped his girlfriend for admitting she'd once been in a threesome and described her as a slut for doing so.
5. When he receives advice that proves valuable to him, if it's from a man, he thanks them and if it is from a woman, he pretends he either knows it already or it's not useful information.
6. For a given achievement, he always respects the person more if it is a male than a female.

He's 53, so he was 3 years old when the sexual revolution started, so he should be the most liberal of us all.

Is it normal that I am so angered by what I define as "hate speech"?

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 70 votes (50 yes)
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Comments ( 47 )
  • Justsomejerk

    Well did you call him out or did you just bitch about him on the Internet like a girl?

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  • Ixu

    I know someone just like this, also a housemate. He always cried to me about not a having a girlfriend (despite the fact that he seems to hate women) and I just laugh at him

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  • jucedaguy

    Are you a male or, the other one?

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    • iezegrim

      I'm female.

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      • jucedaguy

        You have a PC at your sink or stove?


        MIND BLOWN!

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        • Energy

          Go make her a sandwich. While me and her play Black Ops 2. I hate chicks that cook anyway.

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          • jucedaguy

            I make sweet fuck all sangas. Specially for some woman.

            Or for people wearing hipster shoes!

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        • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI


          Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • prasatko

    As a real misogynist I find your post extremely offensive and abusive. You have just made a very nasty hate speech that sounds very offensive to all honest and brave misogynists. Stop degrading and objectifying us, we are human beings.

    (I am looking forward to all the angry responses of users who will not get it that I might be joking).

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    • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

      Maybe you would get some angry responses if you didn't say you were joking.

      Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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      • prasatko

        That was the trick. The only joking part in my comment was the last sentence in brackets:)

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Are you aware that you're on a misogynistic website?

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    • Naamah

      Really? It's an interesting point for me because I've had the impression that this website is full of feminists and therefore quite feministic, not misogynistic. However, we may see it differently as we both may notice what gets on our nerves more.

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      • RapidlyRotatingPanda

        I would say this website is full of the most weirdly open minded people in the world. Posts about things like liking their dog licking their privates and such seem to get very high normal ratings as a consequence...

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  • Energy

    He's just an old piece of trash. He's just jealous of women. I love women. If I was you I'd murder that pathetic shit can. Stand up for yourself. He sounds like a bitchy little bitch. He's probably one of those men that worship cocks. Sorry, I prefer vagina over cock. But I do support Gay people :)

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Make him eat your poo?

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  • Mando

    Sure that is normal - to be angered. He sounds like a pretty big project and at his age, how likely is he to change? Maybe focus on his manners - basic rules of behaviour since he lives with women.

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  • VioletTrees

    Any chance you could move or get a new housemate?

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  • KekReptilian

    What a misandrist feminist crybaby you are. It figures that you're in Australia, one of the worst bastions of feminist misandry in the world.

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  • Sailor_Cosmos

    Men like that are insecure and afraid of strong, free thinking, independent women, because they are not secure in their manhood.

    Feel sorry for this man. He will likely die alone.

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  • Alphareign

    It's not hate speech. It's dumbass speech! The boy is just a dumbass!

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  • Seustewart

    It's not hate speech, he just never hit over the fact that his ex had a threesome & he didn't know. He probably feels that she wasn't open and honest with him and this is the only way he knows how to deal with it. Either that or he's secretly gay and it's paving the road for when he comes out just to make the whole situation easier. Or he could just be a douche bag.

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  • Prince_of_Crows

    He's a dickbag. He needs a swift kick to the crotch.

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  • He sounds jealous. I bet he wishes that he could get with a slapper

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    • That's exactly what was going on. "The slapper" lived in the room next door to the misogynist and she had three different male friends visit her in the one week she lived here. (She moved out after a week because she didn't feel comfortable. I'm not surprised with that creep living next door.) I'm sure he was imagining what he was missing out on and it must have driven him crazy with unrequited desire. Misogynist said she had "gorgeous boobs".

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  • Couman

    Personally I think the term "hate speech" is hate speech and I would never say such a thing. But if you wanna call him out on being a misogynist hypocritical asshole, go right ahead.

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  • kelili

    At this age people rarely change.

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    Dresss him up lik a grl

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    • Seustewart

      Haha. I agree but his inner homo would probably like

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  • redneckgirl1507

    Stand up to him if you can.

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    • jucedaguy

      Yes. Stand up to him definitely, be heard.

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      • jucedaguy

        But when you do, make sure you look him in the eye. And always address him as SIR or with YES SIR!

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        • Energy

          Someone's been reading Fifty Shades of Grey and watching a lot of BDSM porn.... ;) yes ma'am

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          • Naamah

            I have a surprise for you - there are people who are able to form their own opinions and a way of expressing them in hints without reading shitty books or watching something. The fact that you derive your wisdom from some trashy feminist books (as one of your comments in this thread seems to indicate) doesn't mean that everybody must have read something somewhere.

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            • Energy

              Because dominating a woman is SOOOO feminist. Lol, get a clue old man.

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          • jucedaguy

            The book's based on my daddy and yo momma dude. Sorry you found out like this.

            I've never read it, but daddy shares every dolla he's made in royalties, from his dabbles with her.

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            • Energy


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