Is it normal to clean once per week?
Growing up we always cleaned the house on Saturdays. Vaccuum, dust, glass etc. Clean kitchen/bathroom as needed. It was just normal to me. Im shocked at how many people seem obsessed with cleaning (to me) and clean stuff all the time. My boyfriend seems to think running the vacuum or sweeping every day and constantly points out something Ive missed or didn't clean good enough or whatnot. If theres a mess or crumbs or something, fine I clean it up, but I have better things to do and neat freaks get on my nerves. You can eat off your floor? Great, you do that I have plates for eating.
Really guys am I a slob or do you think once a week is good enough? (Of course there are people on this website who don't own a vaccuum and don't shower, so I mean, relatively speaking:))