Is it normal to constantly dream about the same person?

For the last several months I've had dreams about a guy who I've only corresponded with a little bit. Too much information just might give away his identity so I'll just say I'm in the Midwest and he's in the Pacific northwest and we've emailed a couple times. We sort of fell out of contact because he's very depressed, especially since there's a lot in his past that he regrets. And last time we corresponded I was feeling very broken due to some stuff going on with me. But he's in a lot of my dreams, some very vivid dreams where I'm in a relationship with him. Then I find myself thinking of him at random times. It's really weird.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • RoseIsabella

    When I was staying at my folks house next door, I would have reoccurring dreams where I was reunited with my best girlfriends from junior high school, and they told me that they never really liked me at all, and just tolerated me.

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  • kelili

    It's normal as you are thinking of him often so no wonder he pops up in your dreams.

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  • Cliche1234

    You’ve been thinking about him way too much. Nothing can say otherwise.

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    You’re obsessed with him. I had a similar fixation with a young woman, until she made it clear in no uncertain terms that she wasn’t interested. It was hard to take, but it snapped me out of it.

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