Is it normal to constantly make sure my alarm is set to the correct time?

Before I go to sleep I have to get out of bed to make sure my digital alarm clock is set to the correct time. I have to push the little 'alarm' button several times just to make sure. Sometimes when I walk away after checking I have to go back to check my clock to make sure again. I don't think I have any other OCD type habits. Is this normal?

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73% Normal
Based on 71 votes (52 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Abnormallynormal

    Yeah its normal especially when you set the alarm for PM by mistake before

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  • kellstar79

    I used to do that too but I was diagnosed with OCD by my doctor and psychologist. I worked on different strategies and no longer do many of those things although sometimes I will have a really strong urge to do some

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