Is it normal to create/design your own unique symbol for a tattoo?

Ok... so i want to get a tattoo soon and i have had this design for a while (designed myself). The thing is i have incorporated a symbol which i believe to be unique... i hope. Anyway i realy like the design but i was wondering if its normal to use a self designed symbol or not. I mean like do over people do it? And will i be judged for doing it ?.

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91% Normal
Based on 32 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • riffraffy

    For any important decision, it's always better to wait a while before making it. You should get that tattoo after summer is over, if you still feel as passionate about it.

    By the way, a unique tattoo with a personal meaning is the best way to go.

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    • Anonymousman19124

      I was planning on getting it around september time anyway as i need the money.

      Thank you for your imput ahah now that i think about it unique is better

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  • mysistersshadow

    Why do you care what other ppl think? If you like it get it.

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  • JesusSavesLives

    Tattoos are an abomination of the flesh! Why would you desecrate the vessel Jesus has bestowed you? I will pray for your soul

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    • _Jesus_

      Legal Disclaimer : I have no affiliation with this porpodyte

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    • Azaman

      Jesus loves trolls huh?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Okay, but if it turns out looking like crap you'll have only yourself to blame.

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