Is it normal to defy the law because of religious beliefs?
Do you side with Kim Davis or the United States Supreme Court, which has jailed her for contempt?
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Do you side with Kim Davis or the United States Supreme Court, which has jailed her for contempt?
if i lived in that county id walk in with my property tax bill and a check for zero dollars and a memo that says i refuse to pay property taxes for religious purposes
to clarify i dont really care one way or another bout gay marriage but to have some fuckin jesus freak cherrypickin laws based on religious crap is fuckin bullshit
i might also sponsor a real loud gay rave outside theys sunday church service
Interestingly apparently the original gay couple who went to court were asking that she be fined, on similar grounds. I would have been totally cool with that, but I think putting her in jail was overkill, and it's kind of messed up that judges have that much power.
has yall read bout that twats lovelife?
multiple kids by 4 different husbands and the fathers dont exactly match the current husband at the time
and this fuckin jerry springer-bait harlot goes round judgin other peoples and invokin religion while workin as an arm of the government?
fuck that skank
she can git a fuckin job as a clerk at church if its that fuckin important to her
Did you also read that was before she became a Christian and started a new life?
But she signed off on divorces and gave licenses to people who have been previously married, who had sex before marriage, and all that shit, after she 'got saved'.
well thats tween her & jesus
and jailhouses is fulla peoples what done horrible shit but then 'found jesus' so its all ok and theys forgave
yay for them and tell it to the victims
meanwhile that hypocritical bitch is dealin out religion from a guvmint office plain and simple
The judge chose to jail her because fines would not hurt her as they would be paid by anti-gay groups and other supporters.
Probably true, but I don't think judges should be in the business of trying to hurt people.
Then let's say fines would have been ineffective. Were she free right now, her office would still be denying licenses. She also deserves some repercussion because she is not doing her job, that she was elected and took oath to perform and has continued to recieve paychecks from. She was preventing her deputies from doing their jobs as well.
She can't simply be discharged unless she commits a felony, from what I understand it would take a special session of state legislature to remove her and the governor declined to call the session for cost reasons since most clerks were compliant.
I believe the plan is to hold her in contempt until she complies or resigns. Her deputies, except for her son, have agreed to comply when faced with jail and a same sex couple has gotten a license at her office already. So it has been effective, just not yet with Kim personally but if she was not in jail no progress would have been made at all.
Liberal idiots thumb me down for quoting a bible verse. If they had read it (and were able to understand) they would see I was agreeing with them.
Some "Christian" didn't like me using the bible to disprove their point.
Either way, you are stupid and pathetic.
I was explaining my side. I know on this site no matter what someone will thumb you down for a bible verse. They don't have a reason why either. If you don't like it, don't read it. Mind your own business. You have nothing to contribute, you're pointless.
It's also pathetic to make a whole new account to post a comment you don't have the sack to say with your normal account.
You want to cut off your leg because you believe in your mind you are an amputee.
Kim Davis isn't being jailed for practicing her religion. She's being jailed for using the government to force others to practice her religion.
She's being jailed for not doing her job (which she is paid by taxes to do.) It would only be anti Christian if say a Muslim worker did the same thing as her at the same time and wasn't jailed.
You would've made a great Nazi. Better yet, you could be Kim Jung Un's Christian ambassador!
Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a nazi north Korean. Great debate skills.
dude the quote you posted says submit to whatever government, whatever authority there is because God established it. hence no matter how tyrannical government is you will not rebel, that's pretty sick sometimes. and america would've never even existed if everyone thought like you.
You want to cut off your leg because you believe in your mind you are an amputee.
I used to have no problem with gay marriage and abortion. But now that I need Evangelicals to vote for me, I just say I changed my mind, and they are stupid enough to follow me like sheep. Trump supports whatever will make Trump President.
Just like the Lyndon Johnson sent the national guard to Arkansas to integrate the schools, Mr. Obama should send in the Guard, point half a dozen assault rifles at Ms. Davis's face, and force her to join the 21st century.
I knew that the gay marriage/Christian debate would arise. I called this! I called it! Also this is not breaking the law for religion idiot. As this issue has gone back and fourth between voting and court. So your title is misleading. It might again become illegal for all we know. Do you know how many times the stupid healthcare bill was accepted and rejected?
Technically this is a contradiction. Since both groups are protected. Gay can not be discriminated for being gay (not hiring you for being gay, not letting you in a bar since you are gay). Religion rights says you can do whatever you wish as long as it breaks no major laws (No rape, killing, stealing in name of religion). It also says you cant be forced to follow another persons beliefs if you don't believe in it. Like we cant force everyone to attend Jewish ceremony since some of us are Jewish. However you are free to if you wish.
So a lady refusing to marry gay people since she does not BELIEVE in gay marriage means she is in her rights. Since religious groups are protected just as people are protected for sexuality, color and gender. So really she done nothing wrong, your just not smart enough to understand how this stuff works. This issue is not something we can fix since LEGALLY they are both protected groups. Gay people want to force gays to believe in homosexuality and religious people are saying they dont believe in it.
I believe that they should remedy this issue by making specific type of people who can marry only GAY PEOPLE. Since really there is no other way to do this without removing someones rights under the protection of that group.
Her position in the government requires her to be impartial. If she's unable to fulfill the job requirements then she needs to resign.
Even if that is so Virgil I do not believe a Christian not marrying gays is technically a crime. Personally I dont care who gets married as long as we are not marrying off 12 year olds to people who are 18, or the lonely creepers marrying their dog. I really dont care who wants to have sex, long as its consenting and legal of age arrangements. Though its terribly apparent everyone in government is bias to something so why would we be surprised someone in was not?
We have lobbyist pushing for their own cause and these special interest groups only give a damn about their own interests. Is this really that shocking?
yep roys argument falls off the rails the minute she tries to dispense religion from a guvmint office
itd be exactly the same as a gay clerk refusin to issue a hetero marriage license cause theys too religious
Homosexuals are not a protected class under federal law in the United States. Some Cities and states have local laws making them a protected class, but in most parts of the country they are not. Most states are also "at will" employment states, meaning an employer does not need cause to fire an employee. As a result, it is currently legal to fire someone for being gay in 29 states.
Religious freedom does not extend to a civil employee refusing to preform their sworn duties. An evangelical clerk can no more refuse to issue a license to a same sex couple than a Catholic clerk can refuse to issue a license to a person who has been divorced (divorced persons can not remarry in the Catholic faith). This was argued when religion was used as a basis for segregation and the courts have repeatedly found it invalid.
That's because the issue isn't one of religious freedom, or of gay rights, but one of civil law. She is a court clerk sworn to uphold the law. The law requires the marriage licenses be issued, end of story. If she feels that she can no longer uphold her oath, then her recourse is to resign her position.
meanwhile fasttrack authority for the trans pacific trade agreement got passed in congress
while peoples arguin over this bullshit theys sellin the country away faster & faster to big ole corporations and nobody even knows what the fuck this agreement is
enjoy trumps hairdo this jesus freak cunt losin her county clerk job and beyoncees ass cause the important shit aint even gittin a fuckin seconda consideration
You called something that has been being debated for years? Fuck you're stupid.
I work helping homeless people and abused people get jobs learn a trade get on their feet. Most of them when they come in are better dressed and better groomed than this lady.
her opinion was not what got her put in jail. Refusing to do her job , mouthing off to the judge in court and harassing and being cruel to people she is supposed to serve is what got her arrested. let me add ,I have never seen someone doing what she does be allowed to dress like a total slob.
This woman has no right to bring personal beliefs into her job any more than any other elected official. Being elected means you do the will of those who elected you, not follow your own beliefs.
This was one of Dubya's biggest failures; when 70%of the American people were in favor of stem cell research, he still refused to allow it. How is that doing the will of the people.
She belongs in prison, if for nothing else, for violating her oath to those who elected her.
whad the assassins strike as yall was typin?
id like to hear yalls take on this subject what with yall bein a reasonable religious people
Oh God, the cyber ninja almost got me! It's funny, cause I thought my comments got eaten entirely. Thanks for your comment!
Yes, I listen to syndicated Catholic radio, Immaculate Heart Radio, and popular morning host, Patrick Madrid had an interesting take on all of this. He's been asserting that if she can't perform her duties then it's her duty to quit her job rather than continue to collect a paycheck for a job she's refusing to do. He also pointed out that she's been divorced three times, is currently on her fourth marriage and had divorced and remarried then divorced again one of her ex husbands. It's more than ironic, I think, that she's supposedly defending the sanctity of Christian marriage.
I don't personally have a problem with gay marriage which probably makes me a hypocrite in the eyes of leftists religion bashers and a heretic in the eyes of right wing religious conservatives, but oh well c'est la vie.
I don't like her anymore than the gay couples who decide to sue a local bakery for refusing to bake a wedding cake when there are many more bakeries in town. I wouldn't be surprised if her actions were somewhat inspired by those cases, but I think both types of people are deliberate assholes.
I've been thinking to myself it's funny that her Christian values don't prevent her from taking a paycheck for the duties her position requires of her while claiming her beliefs prevent her from doing.
This woman is the saddest, most obvious example of using God as an excuse for her own blatant bigotry. If you can't do the work required of you, then you just don't belong there.
Of her supporters, I wonder how many would still support a Muslim if he said he would not give out marriage licenses because they didn't coincide with Sharia law?
Well, I certainly don't support her. Honestly, my ears are rather deaf to the Sharia law issue as I certainly don't support any of that. My issue with her is she is stealing from the county as she continues to accept money for a job she isn't doing. This fundamentalist bitch is certainly no shining example of Christian marital chastity. I don't claim to be an example of perfection myself, but I ain't stealing money.
She's basically just doing this so the county will be forced to fire her so she can file a frivolous lawsuit about so called discrimination.
Exactly. She should quit if she finds part of her job to be against her conscience. A vegetarian wouldn't be a butcher...
I was using Sharia law as an example to point out that these people are all about religious freedom but only their own. I'm certain they wouldn't support a Jew, Hindu, Catholic, Buddhist, etc.. who refused licenses based on their religious beliefs.