Is it normal to develop cramps after jogging?

I went jogging today in the morning in the park, I basically do this as somewhat of a daily routine to better myself and also to stop myself from gaining anymore weight, as soon as I finished I was kinda sweaty but I started to get cramps. I don't know if any of you can relate but I get it anyways.

PS: I am not giving up on losing fat ( I say this because I kept giving up last year but this year my mindset is stronger and better ), as weight loss is helping me to get better. All it takes is dedication and hard work to get to the desired healthy weight.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I tried every diet in the world the only thing that helped me that was easy to do is just eating less. Its easier than counting calories all day. I'll eat after I get off work and thats it. No breakfast or lunch. Its called intermittent fasting and its actually really good for your hormones. Our ancestors had this kind of diet they ate less times a day than we do. Eating 5 times a day isnt actually good for you with our lifestyles of being inactive. I get off work and go to the gym and jog everyday then when i get home I eat as much as I want. Ive last a shit ton of weight this year doing it.

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  • greekfish

    Yes this is absolutely normal. Sometimes I will get cramps too while I’m on a run. Back when I ran cross country I’d get cramps if I hadn’t drank enough water, so sometimes it can mean you are dehydrated. Best of luck to you getting to your goal weight!

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    • Somenormie


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  • imaz

    When you add it to your morning routine as a tasty juice, it helps FIRE UP an incredible amount of clogged fat inside your body and release it as energy.
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    It's great for you to run but if weight loss is your primary goal diet is more effective; you burn more calories just being alive for a day than running for an hour. Figure out how many calories you burn each day naturally and then be careful to consume less than that while still eating healthily. Weight loss follows.

    Cramps can be normal and especially when starting out. Stretching can help prevent this.

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