Is it normal to develope a fear after a nde
Recently I attended a music festival. I was in a, let's say not so sober state of mind, and I went to take a nap in a friends hammock to let the negative experience pass. While in his hammock I came what could only be minutes from death. (Dehydration and heatstroke). Now I am a person who had no fears up to this point. Not any that I can think of anyway. Thats not to say I didn't have a healthy reasoning of "oh standing on one foot on a really high beam will greatly increase my chances of death or injury don't do that" it just didn't scare me. No anxiety no racing heart, sweaty palms anything. But after this experience of almost dying I have this ridiculous fear of not staying hydrated and the heat. Also death. Since the incident I don't go anywhere without multiple bottles of water or a really large one and I probably over hydrate. If there is any yellow in my pee I start to get scared. Same thing if I get too hot. Is this a normal reaction to almost dying? And if it is will this go away?