Is it normal to diagnose migraine just like this?

I went to ER to ask about my severe new headache. I just wanted to ask nothing else was available at the time but they became very concerned with me wanted to check me in to the waiting room so I was sitting there severe headache for a day and a half with painkillers not working and a nurse came and took blood from me and some pulse and stuff then an hour later he came and he said everything looks normal. So I decide I can leave now because I was very anxious I did not want to be there and my tests were fine but they stopped me in the reception and said I have bad symptoms and maybe dr wants to order me for an MRI so I should not leave and I was like oh and went back to the waiting room. I had to wait 6 hours. Eventually just sitting with tears rolling down from both anxiety and pain and I pushed the button the nurse gave me multiple times in a row until he came and then I went "im seriusly leaving now I will not sit here any longer" and he was very concerned then he said I am allowed if I want to but he very strongly advises against it so I stayed and then dr came like 40 min later and he asked me many questions and one was if ive had vision changes like zig zag lines so I told him before ive had such vision disturbances followed by headache so he said "thats migraine" and then he made me do random stuff like smile and frown and make arm movement with my eyes closed and stuff ??? and then he said I suffer from migraine and he will prescribe me pills for this.
I am very wondering if its possible to diagnose migraine like that ? they did not make every test possible first. Blood sample dont show all inflammations and stuff. So how can he ?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Boojum

    I assume the doctor asked you to make facial expressions and move your limbs because he wanted to rule out the possibility you'd had a stroke. People who have had a stroke often lose muscle tone and control of a part of their body or one whole side of it.

    Weird visual patterns are a classic migraine symptom. I occasionally get what are called ocular migraines: strange zig-zag patterns that appear at my point of focus and gradually expand in my field of vision until they fade away. I don't get a headache, but they're a nuisance since it makes it difficult to see what I'm looking at in the early stages. They aren't a symptom of anything serious. It's just a bunch of neurons firing away in my brain in a way they don't normally do for some unknown reason, and that disorganised firing gradually spreads through the part of my brain that deals with vision until it reaches the edges of that tissue.

    My wife occasionally gets true migraines. Over the counter pain meds don't help at all, and the only drug she's found to work effectively is Rizatriptan, sold under the brand name Maxalt in the UK. She zonks out for a couple of hours after taking a pill, but she always feels much better after a nap. It's a serious drug with potentially serious side effects and I suspect it's probably available only with a doctor's prescription in lots of places. However, in the UK it can be bought from online pharmacies after filling in a brief questionnaire asking about any possible pre-existing conditions that might make taking it hazardous.

    I think the fact that you were left sitting and feeling stressed for so long didn't help at all. Many people find that lying down in a dark room helps migraines go away quicker. Low blood sugar due to not having eaten recently and being dehydrated can also make migraines worse and last longer (as well as triggering a normal headache). Maybe the last thing you want to do is eat or drink when your head is throbbing, but if it happens again, you might see if that helps any.

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    • Oh that make sense and thanks for good lengthy response. Ive had visions problems like that before with zig zag and colors and sometimes blurry on 1 eye without zig zags. Over the counter has not helped me either so that sound relatable for me.
      Yes sitting in a waiting room was very bad every unexpected sound felt like someone shoot me in the head very painful. I think they could put me in a room but idk maybe they couldnt

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    I suppose it is possible. I don't know why the doctor made you frown, smile, etc, though. When my exe got diagnosed as being migraine prone, it was after she repeatedly went to the ER crying in pain, and nothing helped.

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