Is it normal to disappear from social media and love it

I suffer from severe depression which has been exacerbated by the break up and heartbreak that is eating me alive. I don't have any interest in constantly chatting to friends and I have been absent from social media for a whole week and I am LOVING it. Even whatsapp and text messages, I havent responded to. I feel so free and so at peace. I know I feel awesome right now because of no obligation to carry out meaningless chatter but IIN? and has anyone experienced this before?

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97% Normal
Based on 38 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • mysistersshadow

    Sure its normal. I got off Facebook a while back and I'm much happier. I keep in touch with my friends the old fashioned way I talk to them in real life.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Yes, what you're describing is normal. Fuck Facebook.

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  • ........

    Yes it's normal.I stopped wrapping my life around
    social media all that does is cause people headaches
    no one would talk to me on Facebook so i deleted it
    i was on another site answering questions and i deleted
    myself from that site too, no one wants talk and i said
    hell with it and went off of there.

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  • FORUMiadableFucker0

    Been off for years, too many dumb fuckers posting useless garbage;sorry about the breakup btw. Get better.

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  • _Mehhhh_

    Definitely normal. I love un-plugging from Social media and going even one step further than that, completely turning my phone off, when I don't feel like being bothered.

    Social media can be toxic. I think it really breeds a one-upmanship culture, where everyone has to (pretend at least) have the most exciting life and the sexiest/most interesting photos. There are days where I just can't be bothered wishing I could keep up and I turn my phone off altogether, don't even call or text.

    It's always refreshing and really frees up a lot of time to do something productive, when you'd normally just be sitting on your phone scrolling.

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  • iMoose

    You have strength my dude. Serious!

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  • Tobyrh

    I had this too ;) especially when my phone broke but when I got a new one I felt depressed about it for some reason I don't want to text people.

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  • agoodlovejoy

    While you are unplugged from worldly images dont forget that God and your Angels are very present in your life. Spend some of this time getting to know your Spirit Man so you can grow from within. Start praying and dont be ashamed and dont deny God.
    He will fill you up and the Angels will be quick. I also divorced and felt the way you do. Dwelling on people that dont care if your soul ends up on the wrong path, is still the wrong path. That depression you are feeling is control from Satan. He is laugh at you every second you give in.
    Depression is torture from the physical hell and is the beginning of the entrapment you will suffer.
    As soon as you do not want to suffer in a non consuming enviorment just speak your positivities back into your life. Now dont look back at who you were because that is the way back to damnation.
    Jesus loves you I love you and continue to expect to communicate with positivities of life because a RELATIONSHIP with God is your destiny

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