Is it normal to donate clothes to good will even if they have shit stains?

I stopped at a Taco Bell while on a business trip a couple years ago. I ate about five tacos for dinner and then got back in my car to continue driving on the highway. The tacos were especially greasy that day and about 30 minutes later my stomach started to hurt and I could tell that I was going to need to stop to go diarrhea soon. However, I was out in the middle of nowhere and there were no rest stops or gas stations in sight. So I kept driving hoping I would soon find a place with a public restroom.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to locate a rest stop in time and accidentally shit my jeans. I was wearing dark blue jeans at the time and diarrhea soaked right through them. The interior of the car smelled terrible so I stopped at the next rest stop and changed into some clean clothes that I happened to have in the suitcase in my trunk. I also tried to wipe the diarrhea juice off my faux leather seats as best as I could. I subsequently placed newspapers on the driver's side seat and sat on the newspapers for the rest of the ride home.

When I arrived home I got out a garden hose and hosed down the interior of the car with water and placed several air fresheners inside to overcome the shit smell. Eventually the smell went away after a couple weeks and nobody can tell that the car had shit on the seat.

I washed the jeans in my washing machine but the shit stain would not come completely out although it did fade a little bit - there is still a noticeable dark stain in the seat of the jeans. So with tax season coming up that year I decided to donate the jeans to Good Will so that a needy family can have them. I used this donation as a tax write-off to offset my income that year!

Is it normal to donate shit-stained clothes to the needy?

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30% Normal
Based on 100 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • burningforyou0

    I love how you went into GRAPHIC detail. Thanks for the laugh.

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  • blarneystone

    Troll metere just about broke with this one.

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  • Jeremymiller

    This is definitely normal. I once donated some saved by the bell bed sheets that were soiled in my feces! I couldn'tget the brown stains off of Screech's face so I figured some poor family would be happy enough to get them. It all worked out in the end as I got some killer new "California dreams" sheets that worked out perfect!

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  • AngAnders112

    Even if you donated stained or extremely worn clothes and they accept them at the drop off, they'll just toss them after they look them over.

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  • Chillpill

    LOL this story seems kind of familiar. Are you the guy who also likes to flood Taco Bells restrooms?

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    • Rick_Bawls

      Yes, that is me. I suppose that the gods are getting even with me for overflowing Taco Bell toilets by giving me diarrhea.

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  • DannyKanes

    Fuck off troll

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  • chrismokelky

    beggers cant be choosers if i was realy need for clothes id wear your shit stained jeans.

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    • AngAnders112

      but ppl who shop at the goodwill aren't beggars, for the very fact that they are shopping and paying with money for clothes. if they were homeless and didn't have a penny to their name, then that would be different.

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  • poisonandmore

    I'd throw them out.

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  • mateo

    taco bell?

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  • hokisgurl

    Do U live in az we have goodwills too

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  • Noonesperfect


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  • redeyes


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  • DwayneHicks

    I think I may shit my pants tomorrow and give them away, you have inspired me to do good I just need to find a taco bell...

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  • dom180

    I'm sure that they'll wash them thoroughly before passing them on, and donating is good!

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  • chicken471bologna


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