Is it normal to dream you are kim jong-un?
For the past few weeks, I have been having the same kind of dream every night.
Usually, I'm on a helicopter, with thousands of women screaming in delight at the very sight of my face. I look at my hands my nails are different. I turn to my left and demand a mirror from a slave. The slave eventually finds a mirror and gives it to me. I am enraged by his slowness so I throw him out of my helicopter. I look into the mirror and I realize that I am the Supreme Leader of the Glorious Nation of the Democratic Republic of North Korea, whose gonads are envied by men and women alike.
Suddenly, my military advisor tells me that false Korea is planning an attack. A missile hits my helicopter, and the helicopter begins to fall to the ground. I, with my amazing supernatural skills, jump out of the helicopter and fly down to the ground. The thousands of women, unable to contain their desire for me, jump on top of me and there is a huge orgy.
Then I wake up, but I still think that I am Kim Jong-Un for a while. I usually wake up in a pile of supreme semen.
Great story, huh?