Is it normal to easily cut people off and not give any chances

Im a very sensitive person which is sometimes an issue.
I never give my friends chances, if they mess up they're out of my life and I hate them.I usually wont tell them im upset I just ghost them.

I've been told its mean and immature but if theyve upset me I dont see why. I took so much crap growing up so why not give some back, I didnt then but I can do it now. I cut people off to make them feel they are worth nothing to me which is the punishment for hurting my feelings. They may never know why but I didnt know why I got excluded growing up.

You're supposed to forgive people.I know people close to me do that and have forgiven friends for way worse than any of my almost annoyingly nice friends do. My friends really are softies.... It pisses me off sometimes which I do wonder why because people always refer to me as nice and sweet so logically I should relate to them. When one of my friends does somthing hurtful they're usually annoyingly unaware of it and get extremely sad when you tell them (or so they say). The only friend i've ever had whom I could always forgive was because said friend always proved with equal words equal actions that they were a good friend and was never overwhelmingly nice, just an average person. I respect that.
I refuse to believe anyone's always nice and that my friends have never had a bad thought about me and that they get crushed if I tell them they've hurt me. Why would they feel bad? I dont believe they do which makes me angry they're lying to me instead of admitting what they actually think of me.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    “I took so much crap growing up so why not give some back” It’s easy to fall into this mindset when you have been treated unfairly but two wrongs don’t make a right.

    You sound like you have some trust and anger issues to work on and need to learn how to address things that upset you instead of storming out on people as soon as they do something wrong in your eyes. If you go on “punishing” your friends and trying to take revenge on them for your unhappy childhood you will end up alone.

    I strongly recommend talking to a therapist about your past and how it affects your handling of friendships so you can work towards communicating more effectively and resolving issues in a mature way without needlessly ending friendships.

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  • ElysianGod

    I’m not totally sure what happened with you and your past but I’m sorry for that. It can truly mess up your brain function when it’s still developing and a traumatic event takes place. However I don’t think you should be projecting that onto your friends or anyone close to you really. People make mistakes, they get emotional and do things that they normally wouldn’t.
    It’s easier to put up walls. No one can hurt you this way, but it also makes it harder for you establish healthy relationships with others.
    I think you need to break out of the cycle you’re currently in and just let go of any anger you may feel for your past self.
    Good luck to you, I hope you figure out yourself and live a happy life.

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  • Wari0

    Normal, your mind only has so many memory slots yet billions or realistically thousands of people to fill them, better make it count.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Normal from where I stand as I do it myself.

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  • darefu

    I took this completely different. You cut people off because they mess up or hurt your feelings. To me you sound like a selfish entitled whiney baby.
    Someone disagrees with you and you feel it's my way or get out of my life, then I say they are the lucky ones.
    If you don't give them a chance and you don't care about their feelings, why should they care about yours?

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  • I have a hard time trusting someone who's shown me they shouldn't be trusted. To me not trusting someone means to never be relaxed around them and don't let them in in any way

    I've got lots of experience where people have betrayed trust in hurtful ways. I really don't want to go through things like that anymore. It really doesn't take much for me to lose trust. I usually have to feel like someone is smarter and more courteous than me to start with trust

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  • shoka2322

    Ghosting is an EVIL thing do do without any warning!!! You need to change your ways, there is a special place in hell for people who do that!!!

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  • Tommythecaty

    Is it normal to easily cut people and not give any chances?

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  • Mini69

    You are taking out your anger on your friends, for things that were done to you in the past by other people. Life is too short to live feeling bitter about the past. The way you are carrying on you will drive your friends away, then you will probably blame them for everything that’s wrong in your life. Then you might make some new friends and the cycle repeats. Eventually you will run out of new friends and will end up a lonely, bitter, old person with a life full of hatred and misery. You will probably die lonely and full of hate.


    You could move on, put the past behind you and be nice to people. Accept that none of us are perfect and we all screw up from time to time. When your friends screw up, deal with it and forgive them but don’t make it a big issue. You only get out of life what you are prepared to put in. We can all blame others for our misfortunes or we can accept that life isn’t perfect and so make the best of things.

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