Is it normal to engage in flag-burning every 4th of july?

For the past few years, every Independence Day, I have celebrated by burning an American flag. I believe that one should have the right to burn a flag if they so choose, and until this country starts cleaning up its act, I'm gonna burn it every 4th of July. I know it's sort of juvenile and nobody in Washington is gonna give a fuck about some guy burning the flag way out in the middle of nowhere, but it can be damn cathartic at times. Patriotism and flag-worship are dumb anyway.


Voting Results
37% Normal
Based on 30 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 74 )
  • VirgilManly

    The flags probably made in China.

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    • True.

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  • anti-hero

    You're wasting your time and money sounds pretry American to me. You seem no better than those you judge. Just another stupid 'merican.

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    • You can get'em at the Dollar Store for a few bucks. Few bucks + matches = SO MUCH TIME AND MONEY OMG!

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      • anti-hero

        You'd be better off to give that few dollars to a hungry child and accomplish something. You're a pointless bore taking up space on this planet.

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        • " You're a pointless bore taking up space on this planet." Considering that matter is neither created nor destroyed, you could argue that even if I died, the amount of space probably wouldn't change that much in our universe. The Law of Conservation of Mass is a bitch, huh?

          Plus, I earn my money, I'll do as I please. Some spend on cars, others on gambling, cigarettes, booze, hookers, their cable bill, and yes, even fireworks (those completely useless things people light up every 4th of July). I doubt I'm the only one holding back progress by not giving two bucks to the needy every 4th of July.

          You also seem to assume that I don't already give to the needy. I give plenty of donations to people, thanks.

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          • anti-hero

            You're a special kind of stupid. You will die broke and lonely.

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            • Can you elaborate?

              P.S. there's a sales tax on those flags and matches that I buy - you're welcome.

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      • LizardSkin

        I imagine it would range in the hundreds if not thousands if you burned just one flag from every country whose government is fucking up.

        Sounds short-sighted and pointless. Maybe you should make a public spectacle of it and video tape it so we can watch you get beat up instead of hiding in your back yard.

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        • You seem almost like you'd enjoy watching me get punished for using my freedoms in a way you personally don't approve of - MY COUNTRYMAN!!!

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          • LizardSkin

            Watching? I'd lead the charge. That's actually a big problem with this country. People like you hiding behind the "freedom" doctrine.

            You want to be disrespectful you should be prepared to face the consequences should they come.

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            • Assaulting a person is a violation of that person's rights. You may disapprove of my actions through the freedoms granted to you, but the use of violence to silence someone else is hardly any different from the kind of activity one would witness in, say, an authoritarian country. So I can only use the freedoms the way apes like you approve, but if I use them any other way, I should be violently silenced? FREEDUM...

              "That's actually a big problem with this country..."

              I suppose you'd support the Alien and Seditions act of 1798, jailing those that oppose or criticize the activities of the U.S. government because they'd be "hiding behind the 'freedom' doctrine" or that you'd have supported the effort to execute and jail people who opposed America's involvement in WWI, or that you think I should be hauled off to Guantanamo under the Patriot Act?

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  • I read this while pooping.

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    • Lol!

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


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    • It's pretty fun - you should try it some time.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        im too busy burnin hipster skinny jeans

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        • Downvoted cuz you made me angry. Shouldn't of done that.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            just when my life couldnt become more of an apocalyptic livin hell i hasta face the wrath of the flag burnin troll thumbin me down

            oh misery
            oh penury

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        • You mean women's jeans?

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  • pixie44

    Move to Mexico or Canada if you hate America so much. Byeee

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    • No - the first amendment guarantees my right to free speech for a reason (although the passing of the Alien and Seditions Act of 1798 would disprove that). I'll voice my disapproval however the hell I wish. It's not like I fucking chose to born here.

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      • pixie44

        So are you one of those people that complains about every little thing and does nothing about it?

        It could be worse you could have born in the bad parts of Africa or the middle east with no food or water.

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        • The mere fact that 'it could have been worse' doesn't mean that one should simply shut up about their situation. To be good means more than simply being better than the worst.

          "So are you one of those people that complains about every little thing and does nothing about it?"

          I have the right to complain and if I so choose, I may do so. Would you forbid me that right simply because you don't like the way I use it? I mention above that the point is 'catharsis'. I understand that that might be too big of a word for you to understand, so go ahead and google it just in case.

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          • pixie44

            The point is there are better ways to go about the situation. If you want something to change do something about it.

            Hence the quote: "Be the change you want to see in the world"

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  • sega31098

    Next time scream racial slurs in a ghetto at the top of your lungs to celebrate freedom of speech.
    (You will thank me as you are dying from your wounds in the ER shortly afterwards)

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    • Difference being that hate-speech isn't protected under the first amendment - flag desecration is.

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      • sega31098

        It is.
        The USA is one of the only developed countries where hate speech is protected as free speech. Of course, if you say hate speech 99% of the country will turn against you.

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        • Brownblowout

          But hate speech seems to include just disagreeing with the other party. Watch out opposition to deviant behavior will become hate speech

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  • dickwashington

    I go to the Chinese buffet every 4th of July. The food is always hot and fresh because the Chinese people are going to eat it. just me a couple friends and a thousand buffet workers

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    • sega31098

      Technically, you are celebrating American culture.
      The food at most Chinese buffets are actually Americanized.

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    • Sounds nice. Got anymore room for one crrrrrrraaaazy d00d??

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  • Brownblowout

    You might like it in the terrorist controlled territories in the middle east

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    • Again, more whining about "you can't criticize my country or say anything against it, even though our constitution allows it!!!"

      What's the point of having 'freedom of speech/expression' if you're not going to use it? It fucking exists so that we might have the choice to criticize the actions of our government, you stupid shit. The fact that I happen to live in America while voicing my disapproval of it doesn't make the things I say about it any less true.

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      • Brownblowout

        You deserve a one way ticket to Iran you fudge packer

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        • Oh, a homophobic slur! Thanks, and had the United States not been complicit in the overthrowing of the democratic government that had been established there earlier, and hadn't given weapons to the Shah, further consolidating power into the hands of Islamic extremists, Iran might not be such a bad place to live.

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          • Brownblowout

            The elite think they're in control moving us all toward world governance
            Oh, and not afraid of the homos. Iran doesn't tolerate the unnatural, deviant behavior.

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  • sounds dumb

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  • Avant-Garde

    Maybe, you should consider moving to another country?

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    • Maybe I am saving up money to do so, but I happen to spend a few bucks once every year to voice my disapproval with my current country of residence?

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      • anti-hero

        Where ya going that you think will be better?

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        • Whose business is that? Are you a government agent?

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          • anti-hero

            No. I just wanted to know where you thought was better. Since you didn't give examples about what you disapprove of in the USA. If you had complained about something specific it would be easier to guess where you would be a happier camper.

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            • Very well,

              An abridgment of my beliefs (call it Anon's Manifesto):

              1. The water in this country is fluoridated beyond acceptable levels, and our government has not taken sufficient measures to ensure both the nutritional value and tastiness of our water supply. In a country more reflective of the needs of the people, the water would not only possess a minimal level of fluoride, but would be filled simultaneously with Kool Aid, to encourage the populace to consume more of it. The need for Kool Aid in the water supply would create meaningful work for those whose jobs it would be to ensure the degree of Kool Aid in the water supply never drops below an acceptable level, and we can mass produce Kool Aid in such measures that it would provide further work to the masses, provided that they have no objections to the flavors produced. The flavors used would be determined through democratic processes, of course, and unions and special interest groups can be established to ensure that no flavor is underrepresented. Showering will not be a problem, as the Kool Aid will mask any otherwise irreconcilable stenches. All shall smell of the sweet scent of Kool Aid!

              2. A popular party through which the voice of the downtrodden might be heard has become so necessary, yet so unheard-of in this country and abroad that it defies all comprehension as to how the world might have lasted so long without it. A "People's Popular and Pungent Party of the Homeless and Otherwise Dispossessed," has become desperately needed in this country, and once it has established its roots firmly within American soil, it should seek to connect with other hobos, gypsies, under-bridgers and alley-pissers across the globe to form an international coalition of the homeless. Vagabonds of the world, unite!!!

              3. The hunger and starvation of children is something which we can no longer afford to ignore. We have tried free lunches, welfare programs, whatever have you, to fill the guts of these children with nutritious sustenance, and yet, they still go hungry and thin, and float upon the breeze like kites. What, you ask, is my solution? Simply put, that the learning materials in schools should be edible. Pencils should be made from pretzel-sticks, writings should be undertaken upon waffles, and a child should be graded not only by the knowledge he has digested, but also by the materials he has digested, and the fullness of his belly (and let us not forget, the water fountains must dispense Kool Aid!). For once in our nation's history, "The dog ate my homework," should be a believable statement.

              4. It has long been noted that the children are our future. They have been heralded as the leaders of tomorrow, tomorrow's workers, tomorrow's tax-payers, tomorrow's homeless. This is a grand misconception, as any modern school-teacher will have you know. Children are the masters of their teachers' fates; everything from the teachers' salaries to their ability to keep their jobs is determined by the performance of the children on standardized tests. This, it might be reckoned, is a powerful form of checking and displacing corrupt authority, the more intelligent reader may notice, and should be extended to all forms of authority in society. Politicians should have their performances in society graded by children on standardized tests, and everything from their salaries to their abilities to hold office should be depended on the average score of your average child. I say, "leaders of tomorrow! HAH! Let them lead us today!"

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  • chained_rage

    Gee, that'll show 'em.

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    • "I know it's sort of juvenile and nobody in Washington is gonna give a fuck about some guy burning the flag way out in the middle of nowhere..."

      Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    There is some bad logic in here. I would flesh it out but I don't feel like wasting my break. Maybe later . . .

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    • Cool, I don't feel like watching some pseudo-intellect quote fallacies from the wiki page anyway. Cuz I'm totes concerned with with concepts like validity and soundness when I'm burning cheap pieces of cloth.

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      • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

        Cute try, Mr. Troll.

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        • Fuck you. You never take me seriously. Answer the goddamn questions or piss off. I want answers.

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          • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

            "you can't handle the truth!"


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