Is it normal to enjoy reading books on non-mainstream politics?

I like to find books on really out-there political philosophies and read them, even if they're the sort of political philosophies that people generally hate. I just think it's interesting about all the different ways people think society should be run, and unless you've got the income to spend on books (or access to a good library that will stock controversial materials or you pirate digital books) or go around looking at alternative news on the net, you almost never see these ideas espoused on the TV or anything. It really changes your perspective on a lot of things.

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75% Normal
Based on 12 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • regisphilbin

    I prefer books on conspiracy theories and the paranormal/occult.

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  • Arm0se

    I do it to get as many perspectives as possible to better understand all peoples view points.

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  • dom180

    This reminds me of my friend who watches documentaries about American wingnuts and conspiracy theorists. He doesn't believe much of the stuff, but watches loads of it. I'd say it's pretty normal to be interested by people on the fringes of society. We don't usually see them, and it's eye-opening to be exposed to them. More people should do it :)

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