Is it normal to expect friends not to text on their phones when you're hanging?

Whenever I go out with my friends--movies, dinner, gym...--they're on their phones texting. Doesn't matter if they're guys or girls, my age or older, in school or not. For the Fourth yesterday a bunch of us went to a movie DT Boston. 9 of us altogether. From the first credit to the last scene, at least 2 people around me were on their phones, bright screens drowning out the dark, suspenseful moments of the movie. And of course other people in the theater were doing the same thing. Texting-every-fraggin'-30-seconds-for-two-hours-straight.

WTF? If you're so into your phone and the other people you're chatting up, why do YOU suggest we get together to hang out? Am I the only teenager in America sick of friends begging you to hang out and then spending the majority of the time texting OTHER people?

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61% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • mikhaildb

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets annoyed by it. It's not a huge fucking problem, but it's like... can you put the phone down for 2 seconds so we can chill?

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  • sandnigga

    It does indeed depend, but if you want to hang out, but then be on your phone for 10 fking straight hours ignoring the other person, then what in the hell is the point!??!

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  • sandnigga

    Same. If you want to hang out, you should fking hang out, and not be on your phone for 10 hours not doing anything with the other person.

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  • _Mehhh_

    The most annoying thing about it for me, in a lot of cases, is that these same people takes hours or even days to reply to your texts when you text them. You know damn well from when you hang out together that they are glued to their phone, but you can't get a reply.

    But on using their phones when we're together, generally, it's a matter of degrees for me. I'd think it was weird if we spent the whole day together and I never once saw you use your phone, but if you're constantly looking down at your phone while I'm trying to talk to you, I'm going to get bored very quickly.

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    • AB1234

      That's a great point. I don't text people often, but when I do I get back a grunt here or there, or nothing at all. Then these are the SAME people who (A) are like, "Why don't you text me so we can do something?" (WTF??) or (B) when they need something like homework or help with a project will text you, and if you don't reply within literally SECONDS will text again and again and again in all caps and exclamation points.

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  • fuckingfool

    It's always the same with these fucking people.

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  • Azaman

    At a movie theater that's just plain rude. I think there are definitely times where it's more acceptable, even in a group, but I feel ya.
    I intentionally pull out my phone to look busy or do other shit if I'm in a group of people I don't care to be around.

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    • AB1234

      Yeah, I admit that I use my phone as a shield when I'm out to deflect unwanted attention...

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