Is it normal to fear relationships?
i only ever had sex with one woman, sure before her i had my chances, but i wanted to wait, i was still saving myself for marriage. the women who get interested in me tend to have the same thing in common. they cheat.
i feel like a tease though, i can flirt, but the moment a woman likes me too much, i tend to push them away. and times i gave a woman a chance, i was just a friend zone, other times, told i am a friend but never hear from them again.
so yeah, i guess part of it is i am guarding myself. but then i shouldn't even say not all women are the same. because if i truly believed those words, why do i seem afraid?
i can't want to be in a relationship and fall in love with each other if i am too afraid to have it. unless its only loving the idea of it, but don't need it. but how could i tell the difference?