Is it normal to fear relationships?

i only ever had sex with one woman, sure before her i had my chances, but i wanted to wait, i was still saving myself for marriage. the women who get interested in me tend to have the same thing in common. they cheat.

i feel like a tease though, i can flirt, but the moment a woman likes me too much, i tend to push them away. and times i gave a woman a chance, i was just a friend zone, other times, told i am a friend but never hear from them again.

so yeah, i guess part of it is i am guarding myself. but then i shouldn't even say not all women are the same. because if i truly believed those words, why do i seem afraid?

i can't want to be in a relationship and fall in love with each other if i am too afraid to have it. unless its only loving the idea of it, but don't need it. but how could i tell the difference?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • pixie44

    I was like that for a while too after I got cheated on with my first love. Fucking sucks. The thing is you can keep your guard up but don't keep it up so high that other people can't come into your life.

    I see it as life isn't always easy. But maybe that relationship was meant to end so you can find someone better for you. You have to take a chance because yeah you might get hurt, but maybe you will fall utterly in love with someone you consider your other half and best friend. And you will be so glad you met them and finally let your guard down. Take the chance to be happy. I realized that after a while.

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  • daydreamer394


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  • thegypsysailor

    If all the women you become interested in 'cheat' on you, then either you think the relationship is much more than they do, or you are reading them completely wrong, and they do want sex before marriage.

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