Is it normal to fear that my dogs/cats are constantly spying on me?

Well it become a major though around the age of 10 i got a cat from a family friend and every time i looked at him i always saw him as a camera the person who gave me said cat was spying on me, and then it started to happen with every other anime ive come acrosss.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • NobodyKnows

    No, but a cat camera is a kick ass idea for a scifi story!!!

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  • creampawf

    Cats, sure. They have this weird stare, and their eyes seem to follow you around the room. And they rarely blink.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Dogs, meh?
    But cats; don't get me started. First off, they are the first wave of an alien species bent on subjugating humanity.
    Way back when, cats were exclusively subjugating the Pharisees of Egypt, but slowly and surely they are getting people to trust them and insinuating themselves into our daily lives.
    They seem so benign, but anger one and the last thing you will see is your cat, sitting on your chest waking you from your sleep, slowly sipping the breath and life from you.
    Indeed, cats are the single most dangerous creatures on this planet.

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  • Probsolver23

    It's all down to superstition. Don't worry, they r not spying on you.

    I hope things get better :-)

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Dogs and cats have been conspiring against us for decades. I'm glad you're finally beginning to catch on.

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  • Dinkleberg

    So ive never truly known who but ive always guessed it would be like my mom or something to make sure that im not doing anything stupid, and its not just animals either ive always had a fear of cameras being every where watching my every move.

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  • Avant-Garde

    And, who're they reporting to?

    I think you're extremely paranoid.

    You must ask yourself, is there anything in your life that would warrant someone to go through such extreme lengths to spy on you?

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