Is it normal to feel guilty about something even though you didn't do anything?

I constantly feel that when things go wrong (anything, from stuff at other departments at work, which can't possibly have anything to do with me, to family and friends drama, even if I haven't seen them in ages),other people are going to think that it is my fault or that I was somehow purposefully involved in whatever happened.

It frustrates me, because feeling guilty makes me act guilty and it causes unneccesary suspision from other people. Or at least, that's what my mind is telling me...

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Comments ( 7 )
  • imagine8115

    ok sorry to ask this but were u ever abused as a child (verbally)? because if u were u could have been used to being blamed for everything and so now it's come back to haunt u and that's why u feel like that.... if u weren't sry It was just an idea

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    • Runswithscissors

      No problem :) I definitely wasn't abused as a child by my parents - menatly of physicly - HOWEVER, your question really got me thinking (thank you for that!) and I remember that as a child and all the way until I finished school, my friend's parents would always blame me when we did something wrong (ANY FRIEND, and there were/is quite a few), even though I wasn't the instigator at all? I have always been a follower, but beared the consequences for it. Maybe that could be it? To this day I still have a problem meeting and dealing with other people's parents.

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  • Aub

    I have the same problem. It's involuntary. Mines stems from the fact that I can't accept that there's no way to control everything around you. You've got to work on it and it takes a lot of effort.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Ok where did you hide my mustard?

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  • I don't understand why people do this. I don't even feel guilty when I do something I shouldn't. Maybe its because you are concerned you will be blamed for it. If someone blames you for something you didn't do though they just gave you permission to take revenge on them.

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  • Jeaneathean

    Horrible, isn't it? Trying not to act shifty or go red-faced just makes it even worse.

    I shouldn't worry too much. Many around you will be feeling the same believe me.

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    • Runswithscissors

      The problem is, the people who are innocent like I am, don't worry as much as I do...

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