Is it normal to feel like everyone knows something about you that you don' know

I really feel like everybody is talking about and laughing at me. No matter where I go I always hear people whisper "that's her" or something of that nature. I feel like I am going crazy but I know this aaaalllll cant be my imagination.Could someone have recorded me without me knowing it... paranoid .. but not crazy ..

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61% Normal
Based on 66 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • joybird

    Apparently young women's brains are more sensitive to things going wrong in their lives so they can anticipate caring for a baby - to hear it cry when a man won't etc.

    People who talk about others have very small lives. You should be flattered that you are so important to them.

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  • suckonthis9

    To answer your question, yes someone could have recorded you without you knowing it. Selected individuals are chosen at random and are scanned. It's a bit like a bar code scanner, but very much more complex. It records the exact position in spacetime of your subatomic structure. They (other they) do this to catalogue life forms.

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    • not related but you should seek professional help.

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      • suckonthis9

        I assure you that I am quite sane.

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  • hidden_in_the_shadows

    maybe its a rumer that happened to me

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