Is it normal to feel like music is the equivilant to food?

I have moments when I'm not listening to music and I feel like I'm hungry or crave something to eat until I realize I just had a urge to listen to music again. It's usually for a specific song I love at the moment.

It's not like if I'm legitimately hungry I can just listen to music and I'll be full, but it's a certain type of hunger I feel that I can't exactly distinguish from regular hunger. It goes to the point where my mouth will be watering and realize it's not for food, but for music.


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58% Normal
Based on 19 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Arm0se

    I can't eat a song, or listen to my chicken wings .-.

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  • Holzman_67

    maybe it's just taking your mind off hunger?

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  • bluegreenpink

    I also get this for running. After a really good hill sprint I get this urge to kind of crunch something and its like my bodies reaction to the satisfaction of a good run. Its not hunger as the thought of food itself immediately after running is urgh

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