Is it normal to feel like there's no right choice in this situation?

My father recently had multiple strokes. He's now let unable to communicate or swallow. My family & I are left with the decision of hospice care and keeping him comfortable but with no food or liquids and let nature take it's course, or have a feeding tube inserted thus prolonging his suffering in this condition. Basically turning him into a poop factory for no better way to explain it. I know he'd prefer the first choice but at the same time I feel guilty because whatever is left of my dad is still struggling to survive. I really wouldn't wish this choice I anyone.
I feel guilty no matter which I choose. Would you feel the same way?

-Yes I'ld feel guilty either way. 4
-No I wouldn't feel guilty. 3
-Sometimes life gives us a real shit sandwich. 2
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Kowhaifan

    this is why i think assisted suicide should be a thing, like if they are basically braindead whats the point? it just makes everyone sad for no reason, your dad wouldnt want to weigh you down

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Id feel guilty. I have my own opinions on this I dont care to share might make you feel worse. Its a fucked up situation.

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    • It is a fucked up situation. But my dad passed away today even before we moved him into hospice. It's very surreal. Seems like it was just a really bad dream and I'd do anything just to wake up.

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      • ospry

        I'm sorry to hear about your father. It sounds like that's what he wanted though so hopefully it's at least a relief that the decision is out of your hands. I'm sure that whatever you had decided, your father wouldn't have wanted you to feel guilty over it

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        • Thank you.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Dang sorry man that sucks

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          Thanks. I appreciate it. I'm the OP.

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