Is it normal to feel like you don't fit in with either of your groups of friends?
First off, I have to say that I am lucky to be a part of 2 great groups of friends but at the same time, I can't help but feel like I am the odd man out in both groups. The 1st group I have known since elementary school but despite knowing them and being friends with them for so long, I can't help but feel like we've grown up into different people. My values and opinions are different than theirs and I feel like I have to bite my tongue a lot when we talk about certain things with the hopes of not getting into an argument. My 2nd group I have known since middle school and they're really great. Every time I'm with them, we do nothing but laugh, shoot the shit and enjoy each others company. The issue with the 2nd group however is that I am the "new comer" as they've all known each other since elementary school and I came along in grade 9 (I've known them now for 10 years, 6-7 of those years I've been close with them). I can't help but feel like in both groups, they all have a stronger bond with each other than they do with me, even though they are some of my best friends. Anyone else have this problem? Any advice as to what to do?