Is it normal to feel like you have to take a dump or fart when your scared?

I was with my friend for a sleep over (her at my house) and me and my other friend were scaring her. She stated that she felt the need to take a dump or fart when she was scared, so im here asking (this is my first time doing this)if thats normal...or just something that only she feels? I mean she even gets gassy when she's nervous, scared, waking up in the mornings, or at random times at a day for no amount of reason unless she was just very very very....excited.

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69% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • kelili

    Some people are like that. When they are nervous they want to shit or vomit. I haven't done any research but I guess it's a way for the body to get rid of tension

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      They are scared shitless!

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      • Antir0b0t

        Ohhhh hahaha god. Yes.

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          I strike again! haha

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    Yes it is an evolutionary response. When cavemen got scared the ones who left the saber-toothed tigers a tasty snack of feces and/or vomit were able to get away and live to breed another day. The ones who didn't got eaten.

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  • sheepysheepy

    I do that too.. When I'm nervous I feel like I need the bathroom and I become very gassy.. For example before a performance on stage... But right after my fear goes away, the need for bathroom will go away too, and I feel very warm and comfortable.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    maybe when i am nervous

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  • mordekitty

    I know when I get anxiety attacks I have stomach issues. Not during an attack but directly after.. so normal I suppose. I can also relate to the morning issue lol especially when I lay on my left side all night.

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  • melbournegirl

    Your friend is normal, it is just that she is more jumpy than most. What she experiences when feeling nervous or scared is called the "Fight-or-Flight Reaction" Where the body releases hormones such as adrenaline to give you the energy and focus you need to remain safe in what your body has decided is a dangerous situation.

    It is called the flight or fight reaction, because the bod prepares you to either stand and fight in a dangerous situation or run away (flight)

    It is a behaviour that not just humans have but most animal breeds also, it is from back in prehistoric times where if you didnt get ready to run or stay and fight quickly, you could be killed by a wild animal.

    Some of the changes in your body that happen during the flight/fight response are (there are a lot more):

    * Blood vessels that provide blood flow to the skin are constricted to reduce blood loss in the case you are injured
    *Your body shuts down unnecessary bodily functions to provide you with more energy for the short time while in flight/fight mode
    * Pupils dilate so that you can see more clearly
    * Your heart rate spikes and blood pressure rises too so that oxygen can get around your body quicker
    * Endorphins (The body's natural pain killer) and adrenaline are released

    And yes:

    * The bladder and bowel feel the urge to be emptied as doing so reduces the need for other internal digestive functions, lessens your weight if you flee and may put off attackers

    So while your friend may reach the flight/fight reaction earlier than most, she is still normal.

    Read this for more info:
    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

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