Is it normal to feel lonely because of racial bullying as a child?
When I was in the 7th grade ( Grade 6 for other Canadians & the Europeans here ), I was constantly bullied because of where my parents are from, the way I look, and my family's culture. If you haven't read my bio, I'm here to inform you that I'm Half Cree & Half Italian. My mother and her family are from Palermo, in Sicily, and my Father and his family are all Cree, right off the reservation. An odd mix, I know, but here I am. Anyways, the kids in my middle school used to make fun of me and called me things like ''Halfbreed'' etc. I took it literally and caught myself thinking ' why don't I fit in? ', ' why can't I be like the other kids? ', ' No one will ever love me because my skin is darker. ''. A sad but honest truth. Now I look back and think ' those kids were in seventh grade, they were smart enough to think for even a second how their racist comments might affect me in the long run. ' So why didn't they? Can you answer my question? So now I'm very hesitant to tell people my racial background when they ask because I'm afraid they're going to morph into those little seventh graders from eight years ago. I also feel very isolated and lonely because, again I '' don't fit in. '' with people from the Cree community or the Italian community. PLEASE HELP!
Thanks -