Is it normal to feel sympathy for satan

I'm not really sure if I believe in the existence of God and angels and crazy shit that the bible says. But I know that evil is true and it's in all of us. Some more consumed than others, but I feel that it's the drive to our selfish desires. Anyway, I'm raised in a Christian family and we go to church every Sunday and the works, but the more I hear about god, the more I find him to be a tyrannic asshole. The more I age, my views on life just keep on getting darker and it's like I can't trust anyone. I feel that everyone's just trying to manipulate everyone for personal ease or satisfaction. Although the teachings of morality and kindness keeps the peace, I just feel like it's all a big piece of shit that we're thrown into. I can't see why humans needed to exist or why the world even came about, if there really is the all powerful all knowing god, then why does he let us struggle? Why is the world such a troublesome place? I can't understand and I feel like humans are created, because god is a narcissistic bitch who wants worshipers to pass his time by, and Satan is just like me, he had enough of it and gave god a piece of his mind, then god was all like, "fuck you, I'm supreme. Now burn in hell, cunt." Most of the time, the devil gets blamed for the bad things that happen, but isn't god just as faulty? If he were that powerful, he wouldn't let us be pawns to these sufferings. He wouldn't have made a Lucifer if he were all-knowing, because he would have known that Lucifer would rebel and shit. Ugh Idk what to believe and most of the time, I just want to die so I wouldn't have responsibilities, desires, beliefs, nadda. None of that has to matter and that would be very satisfying.

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Comments ( 20 )
  • Darkoil

    Good/evil are man made concepts and don't really exist.

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    • ScooterNyne

      Somebody finally gets it

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  • Anime7

    This seems like Satanism. Satanist aren't evil people who go out and kill. That's not it at all. I think you should believe what you want, and from what I've researched and seen of Satanism and it's followers, it sort of makes sense. I sort of sympathize with the fellow, but I'm not a Satanist, and you don't really sound like one, not that people like that would have have a sound. I'll just say this, I understand where you're coming from, and it's alright to believe what you want.

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  • q1w2e3

    Christianity doesn't make sense anymore because its followed have altered the texts (bible) to serve their own needs and desires.

    Have you thought about other religions? How about Islam? Have you read the Quran? Don't believe how media portrays Islam, because they have their own propaganda. And even with that kind of negative propaganda Islam is the fastest growing religion in the World.

    Look for Yusha Evans, Yusus Estes on YouTube. Listen to their story how they converted to Islam from being priests and scholars.

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    • BLAh81

      "Christianity doesn't make sense anymore because its followed have altered the texts (bible) to serve their own needs and desires."

      I don't think it EVER made sense, just like Islam BTW.

      "Have you thought about other religions?"


      "How about Islam?"

      Fuck it.

      "Have you read the Quran?"

      I have, and concluded that it's absurd, ignorant and violent.

      "Don't believe how media portrays Islam, because they have their own propaganda."

      SOME media indeed may have their own AGENDA. However, others ARE objective. Why the FUCK shouldn't it be believed if they show the BRUTAL TRUTH about Islam?

      "Islam is the fastest growing religion in the World."

      "Look for Yusha Evans, Yusus Estes on YouTube. Listen to their story how they converted to Islam from being priests and scholars."

      Look for Pat Condell on YouTube, you Islamic pigfucker.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Muslims also violate goats!

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        • BLAh81

          You are quite right. Check this out:

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      • BLAh81

        Oh yes, it's also pretty weird how you badmouth "media" and then suggest watching videos on YouTube.

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    • SuperBenzid

      Which version of the quran is the unaltered one? Imam Haf's or Imam Warsh's or one of the other readings? Of the 50+ versions of the Arabic Quran which is the unaltered one?

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  • watermelonninja

    God gave his only son so he could forgive you for every sin you've done. Christ died in your place. If you choose to reject him you will pay for it with your own soul :(. I only pray that you come to humble yourself and ask for forgiveness.

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  • good for you , but satan loves pity , sneaky selfish satan

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  • Goix

    The Rolling Stones did, so why the Hell not?

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Well maybe we are just here because we were lucky. Existence in itself is utterly pointless. It lives to create more of itself. Which is a really stupid cause. Also if god fixed everything we would be overly dependent on him. When you become an adult mommy and daddy no longer hold your hand. Maybe god just is letting us live this life. Do you still ask your mommy to do everything for you or do you own your own stuff and work for your own money as an adult. We all need to grow up sometimes. Maybe god does not interfere A LOT because that means we would be dependent babies. Maybe god was just bored one day playing with his chemistry set and poof he made us.

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    • izzygore69

      maybe he didn't have to make people so no one ever had to be fucking miserable. It's not like I'm dependent on so many other people. The thing is, there are so many things out there that's so irritating that cannot be helped. Like it just had to exist with this maggot shit universe.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Well good for you... You have life so deal with it.

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  • dangitbobbeh

    Satan never killed anyone.
    God kills everyone eventually!

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      No god does not kill everyone. You just die like all creatures. Our systems lose the ability to function and become too old.

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  • dragonfly810

    Only a woman(Women)feel sympathy for such a creature and failure (from what we know) as satan. Did come for Almighty God's title, you will fail.

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    • izzygore69

      I can't even make sense of what you've commented. Do you even speak English or are you formally retarded?

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  • Dib

    First thing to pop into my head:

    He may sound like a redneck, but he has good points.

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