Is it normal to feel that theists/atheists should debate in a more civil manner
I just recently found this sight, and so decided to look up one of my favorite topics; atheism and religion. I was hoping to stumble upon a fascinating debate between the two opposing sides, only to wander into what appeard to be a struggle for dominancy over which side was the most rude and inarticulate.
And before all of you start, I know what you are going to say, "welcome to Is It Normal". My wonderful predictive abilities have been aquired by signing up to youtube, but even on youtube it was not quite this bad(cough lies cough).
I expected some offensive remarks to be thrown about by the religious(we are, after all, questioning their belief system. And vice versa.), but what I didn't expect, was such a large amount of atheists acting so crassly.
It just seems that we should be showing a bit more diplomacy towards those with opposing views, so long as those views do not involve the harm of others. Then again this could also be said to the theists.
So to conclude, is it normal to think that the atheist and theist community here should work on their ability to debate in a civil manner?