Is it normal to feel that theists/atheists should debate in a more civil manner

I just recently found this sight, and so decided to look up one of my favorite topics; atheism and religion. I was hoping to stumble upon a fascinating debate between the two opposing sides, only to wander into what appeard to be a struggle for dominancy over which side was the most rude and inarticulate.

And before all of you start, I know what you are going to say, "welcome to Is It Normal". My wonderful predictive abilities have been aquired by signing up to youtube, but even on youtube it was not quite this bad(cough lies cough).

I expected some offensive remarks to be thrown about by the religious(we are, after all, questioning their belief system. And vice versa.), but what I didn't expect, was such a large amount of atheists acting so crassly.

It just seems that we should be showing a bit more diplomacy towards those with opposing views, so long as those views do not involve the harm of others. Then again this could also be said to the theists.

So to conclude, is it normal to think that the atheist and theist community here should work on their ability to debate in a civil manner?

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76% Normal
Based on 41 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 33 )
  • Solophonic

    Everybody should debate with more civility, any time two people with an OPINION based belief get into an argument they take things too personally, just look at politicians, democrats are satanists and republicans are Nazis. People forget opinion is not right and wrong, and they are both so concerned with shoving their views down other's throats that they fail to step back and realize the other side may have valid points as well.

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    • MissClaire

      Exactly...... everyone should debate with more civility :) Including myself -- I've been guilty and Im pretty sure everyone has been at one point or another

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      • abominus566

        personally i dont think any one should debate about belifs at all, sinse what ever path comes to you or you to it should be enough. just be happy.

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        • TheLogicalSkeptic1

          Right, but you presuppose that testing ones beliefs in order to gain knowlegde, is mutually exclusive from happiness. I personally would be miserable if I could'nt test the validity of my beliefs, because I don't want to believe anything, I want to know everything. And to quote Carl Sagan-
          “For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”

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          • abominus566

            well, there anre many other ways to test it, i do it everyday with out even talking about it.

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            • TheLogicalSkeptic1

              Right, but how can you be sure that you aren't biased towards your own beliefs? When you argue with somebody of an opposing belief, you are in an argument against a person who won't hold back. There are also instances where your method would be less than beneficial to society, after all there are people who believe that hommosexuals are an abomination, that religion should be taught in science classes, and that women should cover up and speak only when spoken to. It seems that leaving these opinions unquestioned could have disastrous results for society.

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        • Mrman10

          I DISAGREE...

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          • abominus566

            im afraid that its conversations like this that lead to war in this world, i keep mine to myself and i am completley fine

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        • MissClaire

          You are totally right, and if we all thought that way there would be well..... peace.

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          • abominus566

            we should be friends, your the first person to agree to my logic. even though sometimes i am not right which no one is. but people think i am wrong all the time with everthing.

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            • MissClaire

              lol I feel that way sometimes too. But that's all it is, a feeling. Everyone thinks differently and I love that :) So long as it isnt hurting someone..... obviously

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  • Darkoil

    I was brought up to believe in god, I even attended a religious school but there's no denying scientific fact. People are too scared or can't quite grasp the fact they will die one day so it's easier to believe in god and heaven.

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  • dom180

    It would be good if people tried to see both sides, as opposed to just pushing their own beliefs to whoever listens and insulting whoever doesn't.

    Religion is by it's nature unprovable; where atheism relies on cold, hard observations and the balence of probability, theism relies totally on faith and trust. These are not just two different beliefs, but two different ways of thinking; different thought processes. We can only explain our own point of view from within our own thought processes, so arguements that make sense to atheists simply do not to theists, and visa versa. Any debate is pointless if these barriers in understanding exist. They can only be broken down by being completely open to new ideas, and judgemental of all ideas on merit alone from as many points of view as we can gather.

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  • Brad07305

    Fuck that shit. There is no God.

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  • KenzieDivine

    Haha...It is not just that 'atheists' should debate in a more civil manner...its not even just the religious debate aspects that this applies to...its every time someone speaks their mind...majority of people nowadays will give their thought and conclude with, "Thats just my opinion", but it was not just their opinion, it was their attempt at dominance, at proving their point to be the only right one...
    Most humans should change how they debate and share their opinions over all.

    But then again...this is just my opinion :]

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  • ariannel

    Its normal to want civility but unrealistic to expect it. Deeply held beliefs are personal and it can be hard not to get emotional when someone questions them.

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  • vitamello

    It would behoove you to look into the difference between an "Ad hominem" argument and a "Logical" argument. When emotions are involved you basically throw civility out the window.

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  • bananaface

    It's hard to when you're passionate about it.

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  • graphic_nature

    The funny thing is, we atheists really don't need to prove a lack-of-belief. So it's a wonder why people get so hot-headed.

    If you snag the religious/atheist person on a question they can't answer they turn to personal insult and that's where the emotions start getting thrown around.

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  • Lardzor

    To answer you question, No I don't think it's normal to think that the atheist and theist community here should work on their ability to debate in a civil manner.
    I think it's rational to believe that, but the majority of people in this country and presumably on this website believe in a god or gods and I've never considered that to be rational.
    I can speak for myself when I say I believe that civil debate would be an admirable goal.
    I just think if you can't debate something rationally, then people resort to name calling and civility devolves.

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