Is it normal to feel weird about taking an antipsychotic?

I don't have schizophrenia but I do have a severe anxiety disorder which my doctor wants to try treating with an antipsychotic. The word antipsychotic is so loaded, it makes me wonder if I've viewed myself as much more normal than I really I am my entire life

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Ligeia

    I took a medication as an appetite stimulant that is also used to treat schizophrenia, although not an antipsychotic. It's pretty common for the psychiatric medications to have a lot of overlap, it doesn't make you weird. That being said hesitation about taking medication is totally valid, ultimately it's your responsibility to handle the consequence of the meds you take so you should consider the pros/cons for yourself.

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    • Thank you, that's a comfort to hear :)

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  • LloydAsher

    Meds for one problem can fix other problems in a dynamic way. Ever learned about how viagras true power was found? It was a heart medication but males who took it all found a weird side effect.

    Just saying meds for one thing do not make it exclusive for treating a single condition. How it treats it is what the meds do. Not why its treating it.

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  • The weight gain side effect has been a concern of mine. Is it weight gain that comes on no matter what you do in terms of exercise and diet or does it leave you feeling hungry and more prone to overeat?

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    • Ligeia

      More prone to overeating

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  • Grunewald

    I was prescribed it but didn't take it in the end.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Have you had any recent breaks with reality lately?

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    • Not lately, and I don't know that I've really had any breaks with reality, it can definitely feel that way in the middle of a bad episode though. The reason I say I haven't had any breaks with reality is because I can always step back and understand that the anxiety and paranoia aren't tied to anything real. The urgency feels the same but I'm not really convinced of the feelings if that makes sense

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  • Wow3986

    So a person that takes antipsychotic medication deserves to be shamed?

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    • ospry

      No. You don't get to do that here. Keep the bullshit to non-serious threads

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      • Wow3986

        Oh yeah I'm not going to talk because someone on the internet tells me not to. What are you talking about? I am being serious and I'm asking the OP if they're shaming people for taking anti-psychotic medication because they seem like they are, so I need to know if the OP is a bigot! Shut your mouth. You're a fucking disgust racist homophobic bigot that hates women. Nothing you say MATTERS. And you agree with rape.

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